Page 90 of The Curse Breakers

I grabbed the charcoal out of the flowerpot and added my own mark, worried about the new symbol. Could Collin be setting me up? But even as the thought occurred to me, I knew there was no way he would intentionally hurt me. If I was sure of anything where he was concerned, it was that he wanted to keep me safe.

Damn him.

I shut the door and placed my back to it. My cell phone started to ring, and I dug it out of my purse, not surprised to see David’s number on the screen.

“I just got in. I was about to text you.”

“I forgot to tell you that I left something for you on your kitchen counter.”

“What is it?”

“Go find out.”

I found a small brown bag on the counter against the wall. How had I missed it earlier? I picked it up and shook, surprised it didn’t weigh very much. Reaching inside, I felt a wooden hoop and strings. My heart constricted as I pulled it out. “It’s a dream catcher.”

“Hang it over your head. On your bed frame if you can manage it. The legend about them might just be a story, but lots of things we thought were stories are turning out to be real. I figured it was worth a try.”

“I don’t know what to say, David,” I said in amazement. How had I been lucky enough to find him? “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Ellie. Sweet dreams.”

I’d be happier if I had no dreams at all.


My sleep was blissfully dreamless and more restful than anything I’d experienced in weeks.

Until a woman’s screams made my eyes fly open.

My heart raced as I bolted upright in bed, my heavy breathing the only sound as I tried to orient myself. For a moment I thought I’d imagined everything, but then the screams came again, just as anguished. Someone was in trouble.

I scrambled out of bed and looked for my cell phone, intent on calling the police, when my palm began to itch. I nearly dropped to my knees in fright.

The threat was supernatural.

I lifted my phone from the kitchen counter with a shaking hand, wanting desperately to call someone, but who? Collin? I had no idea where he even was, let alone whether he could make it here in time. David? He was two blocks away, but I didn’t want to put him in danger. Tom and the police were out.

It was up to me.

Oh, God.

I dropped onto a bar stool, trying to control the panic bursting in my chest. I had no idea what to do.

The woman screamed again.

I sucked in several deep breaths and set the phone down, forcing myself off the stool. If I didn’t go out there, someone would be killed. Could I live with that?

I hesitated when I reached the threshold. I’d savedmyselfbefore, but could I save someone else?

Throwing open my front door, I stood in the doorway, my ears straining to try and place the sounds. Halfway down the stairs, I heard the scream again. It was coming from behind my building. From the sound.

I ran around the side of the building toward the water, cursing that I’d forgotten to put on shoes. I ignored the fact that I was wearing short pajama pants and a tank top with no bra. My hair was down and loose.

When I reached the street, the night was eerily silent. Not a single person was investigating the cries. While I was thankful there weren’t any potential witnesses or additional victims, I was also highly suspicious.

The woman screamed loud and long. A cry of pain.

My stomach roiled. What if I was too late?