Page 87 of The Curse Breakers

Our banter eased the underlying tension, and after we were seated at our table, we spent dinner finding out about each other’s lives, avoiding anything to do with the curse by unspoken agreement. We couldn’t discuss it much in public anyway, and although I instinctively knew I could trust David, hearing more about him made me feel better about our alliance. Our lives up until now had been nothing alike. While my father was regionally known for his Lost Colony expertise, David’s attorney father had gained national attention before David’s birth, representing a victim of the South London race riots. Consequently, his upbringing was moreDowntown Abbey, while mine resembledHart of Dixie. Still, I felt a connection with him that I couldn’t explain. Maybe David was right about fate. Maybe weweresupposed to work together. And dinner made me feel better about his possible attraction to me. He’d been a perfect gentleman all night, completely professional. I assured myself I’d imagined his interest.

By the time we left the restaurant several hours later, I was sure that contacting him had been the right decision. But I also realized the risk we’d taken. The sun had set while we were at the restaurant.

As we drove home, I told David to park at the inn and I’d walk home.

“I’m not sure that’s such good idea.”

I scowled. “It’s far more dangerous for you to be outside after dark than it is for me.”

His face tightened and he gripped the steering wheel. “I want to suggest something, but I’m worried you’ll take it the wrong way.”


“Until you get your new tattoo, I don’t think you should be alone after the sun sets.”

“Myra wants me to move back in with her, but I just can’t make myself do it.”

“I understand. I can’t begin to fathom moving back in with my parents.” He laughed, but it was hesitant.

“Besides, my room is currently taken.” I wasn’t about to tell him that I’d discovered that he was staying in it.

“That’s not what I’m suggesting.” He glanced at me. “I’d really like to stay at your apartment with you.”

I froze. “Oh.”

“I’d sleep on the sofa. You would be in your bed.”

It was tempting. But it would be so easy for me to begin to rely on him. I needed to learn to rely on myself. “David, that’s really sweet, but I don’t think so.”

“Ellie, I assure you I have honorable intentions.”

“If anyone else said that to me, I’d laugh. But I know you mean it.” I put my hand on his. “I think we need to take this slow. Even if it is a professional relationship.” As I said “professional,” I realized that touching him was contradictory. I removed my hand and put it in my lap.

“You’ve called it that twice now. Is that how you see it?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure how to classify it. How would you?”

“A professional relationship sounds so cold and calculated. I have a feeling we’re going to get to know each other fairly well. We’re going to need to trust each other. I’d like to call it a partnership.”

It all sounded like semantics to me, but he was right. We needed to define exactly what we had here. “Okay, you’re right. I like partnership. But we need to make rules too.”

“Okay.” He seemed hesitant.

“I’m in charge since I’m the Curse Keeper and have the power to actually do something to these things. You’ll have to trust my judgment.”

“Is that an absolute rule, or can we have a healthy debate if I disagree?”

I bristled. “Is that how I’m coming across? Dictatorial?”

“No, Ellie. You’re right. We need to lay the ground rules. But I need to know if I can present a contradictory opinion if I disagree.”

“Of course. I value your opinion, David. If I didn’t, you wouldn’t be here.”

He nodded.

“But if we’re in a dangerous situation, I need to know that you’ll listen to me first and argue later. If we come face-to-face with Ukinim—and I’m sure we will—I can’t worry about you going rogue and putting yourself in danger.”

David didn’t answer for several seconds, staring out the windshield. “Okay.”