Page 83 of The Curse Breakers

I put the tea bags into a couple of mugs and set them on the counter. “The ceremony to close the gate required the use of the original relics that had been used to seal it the first time. Mine was a pewter cup belonging to Ananias, but Collin’s was a wooden bowl that was in the North Carolina Outer Banks Museum in Morehead City. We went there to get the bowl.”

He shook his head in confusion. “It was on display? But I didn’t hear about any break-ins involving the theft of ancient Native American artifacts. I’m certain I would have heard.”

“Let’s just say we got it safe and sound and leave it at that.”

David started to speak but stopped himself.

“We were leaving the museum and Marino’s men were looking for me. Okeus’s messenger killed the guy who was trying to shove me into their car. His hand was curled around my wrist and Collin had to break his fingers off since he was frozen solid.”

His face paled. “So Marino’s men reallyareafter you?”

“Yeah, unfortunately. Like I was telling Tom, Marino’s got it in his head that I know something about the Ricardo Estate.”

“So not only do you have ancient spirits and gods out to get you, but you also have the goons of a crime boss on your tail. You’re a popular girl.”

I pulled the measuring cup with water out of the microwave and poured it into the mugs. “Apparently, I’m a freaking lightning rod for trouble.” I stopped pouring and looked into his face. “I’m glad you were listening to the statement I gave Tom. You need to knoweverythingyou’re getting into.”

“You didn’t pick up some guy in Buxton and shack up for several days. That was a story you cooked up to cover Collin’s sorry arse, wasn’t it?”

I grimaced. “Guilty as charged. If he’s locked up, he can’t change his mind and help me.”

“You think he will?”

I shrugged. “Collin tried to kidnap me today and hide me so Marino’s men couldn’t find me. He also threatened to tie me down and re-henna my back to protect my manitou. At least he’s still trying to protect me.”

“Perhaps he still cares about you.”

“In his own Collin Dailey way, he does. But he always puts his own best interests before anyone else’s.” I pulled my tea bag out of my mug and added some sugar. “The fact that I have a backbone must be a novelty to him, but he would have lost interest in me sooner rather than later. He just can’t stand the fact I rejected him first. Don’t you men all love the thrill of the chase?” I looked up at him and winked.

A devilish grin lit up his face. “I can’t speak forallmen.”

“I don’t want to talk about Collin anymore.” I dragged a bar stool from the kitchen side of the counter to face him and sat down. “What are you doing back so early? I didn’t expect to see you for another couple of hours.”

“I was eager to get back and speak to you.”

“Oh.” I looked down at my mug, flustered. Was that a good sign? “Tell me about your day. Did you get inside Manteo’s hut?”

“I did, but we’re still cataloging, so I couldn’t really touch anything. I did take a more careful look than I had the day before, though.”

“Did you see anything interesting?”

He grinned. “Yeah, I did. I thought maybe I’d bring you tomorrow so you can see for yourself.”

I set my mug on the counter, not believing what I’d heard. “Are you serious?”

His smile widened. “Yeah.”

I jumped off my stool and ran around the counter and hugged his neck. “Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me.”

One of his arms pressed against my back in an awkward hold. “I had to pull some strings to make it happen, and I owe Steven a round of golf, but I got you a pass to the archaeological site.”

He smelled good, a mix of his herbal shampoo and laundry detergent. I dropped my arms and stood up straight, suddenly embarrassed. We needed to maintain our boundaries. I wasn’t going to screw this up by having anything other than a working relationship with him. “That wasn’t very professional. I’m sorry.”

His eyebrows arched. “Is that what this is? A professional partnership?”

My chest constricted, and I took a step back, wrapping my shaking fingers around the mug to hide my nervousness. “Do you want to have this discussion now?”

“I have a few questions.”