Page 78 of The Curse Breakers

“Help me send this thing away.”

“What thing?”


He leaned back, moving his hands onto the truck, one on either side of my body. “What the hell is a Ukinim?”

“Are you serious? You really don’t know?”

His blank face answered my question.

“It’s the badger spirit that’s mutilating animals and eating their hearts. And apparently, now humans.”

“Is this somethinghe’stold you?”

“No, it’s something Wapi told me.”

His head jerked up and his eyes narrowed. “Why would Wapi tell you any of this? Why would he care?”

“Because Ukinim doesn’t think Okeus’s rules apply to him, which makes me fair game. Okeus isn’t happy that I might not be around for his big surprise. Wapi was delivering a message warning me to be careful.”

The color drained from his face. “Why didn’t you come to me?” He had the nerve to sound accusatory.

“Because it happened last night. What would you have done, anyway?”

“Protect you!”

My anger flared white hot. “You gave up that duty when you betrayed me.”

“Bullshit, Ellie. I told you the night before the ceremony that you would be my responsibility no matter what happened.” Collin grabbed my wrist and shoved me toward the open door. “You’re coming with me.”

I jerked out of his grasp. “The hell I am!”

“For Christ’s sake! Grow up, Ellie! How much of your tattoo is left?”

I didn’t answer him.

“Have you found Ahone’s mark yet?”

“No.” And it burned a hole in my gut to admit that I hadn’t.

“Your professorboyfrienddoesn’t know it? Then what good is he?”

“He’s trying to find it for me. Which is more thanyou’redoing.”

His eyes narrowed. “Tryingto find it. And what if he doesn’t?”

“You know what.”

Rage filled his eyes. “If you think I’m going to stand back and watch you get killed, then you’re delusional. You need a new mark, and I’ll tie you down if I have to and put a new one on your back myself.”

“Like hell you will!”

His mouth found mine and I lost myself in him, which is undoubtedly what he had planned. He pushed me through the open door, lifting me up onto the seat, my legs straddling his waist.

“God, Ellie,” he groaned. “How can you fight this?”

His mouth claimed mine before I could answer, and I found myself wondering the same thing.