Page 38 of The Curse Breakers

She grabbed my right hand and spread my fingers open, exposing the mark on my palm. “I know what this is. Your father drew it from time to time when he wasn’t himself. Sometimes he’d try to draw it on his own palm.” She paused. “It’s the mark of the Keeper.”

“The gate’s closed, Myra. Thanks to Daddy.” I choked on my tears.

“It may be closed, but you and I both know that the spirits and gods were set loose all the same.”

My eyes widened and I took a deep breath. Myra had enough to worry about without adding me to the list. “My job was to close the gate.”

“So you say. But I noticed the fresh marks on the doors last night.”

“It’s insurance.”

Her chin quivered as her fingertip traced my palm. “We both know your job isn’t done,” she said with calm resignation.

I didn’t know how to respond.

“I’ve told you time and again that you’re my daughter. You may not have been born to me, but you’re firmly implanted in my heart. If I could sacrifice myself for you—”

I gasped and closed my hand around hers. “Myra! Don’t say that!”

“I would do it, Ellie. If it would give you peace, I would do it willingly.” She swallowed. “It kills me wondering what terror you’ve faced…what terror still awaits you. I know those things are trying to bait you. Chip…” She looked at her coffee cup, then stared into my eyes again. “I don’t want you to be alone in your apartment. I want you to move back home so I’m not worried about you every minute of the day. At least when you’re here, I’ll know you’re safe.”

“Myra…” I understood, but I didn’t know if I could do it. Although my financial circumstances might make the decision for me.

“Just promise me you’ll think about it, okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

Myra slid off her stool. “I have to leave an hour early today. The research team will be leaving at about seven forty-five.”

“I can take you, and my car should be done sometime this afternoon.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She waved her hand at me. “We’re just as behind out there as we are at the inn. I’ll have plenty to do.” She looked over her shoulder at the sink full of dishes. “I have some paperwork I need to take care of. Would you mind cleaning up this mess and serving breakfast?”

“Of course not.”

“Since the guests upstairs are all leaving together, I thought it might be easier to serve them in the dining room. There aren’t enough tables and chairs for everyone in the other house.”

“That makes sense.”

“I told them breakfast would be on the sideboard at seven.”


I hopped off the stool and pulled her into another hug. Myra and Claire were the only two people I had left, and Myra could have easily walked away from all this craziness. Yet she was staying for me. The significance was not lost on me. “I love you.”

Her arms squeezed around me. “Child of my heart, I love you too.” Dropping her arms, she grinned at me, her eyes glassy. “We’re turning into a Hallmark movie.” She swatted my arm. “If I don’t see you before I leave this morning, be careful today.”

“You too.”

I filled up the dishwasher and washed the remaining dishes in the sink, staring out the window at the side yard. It seemed empty without Chip running around. Myra was right. The spirits had killed Chip to bait me, just like they’d killed people I knew to coerce me to open the gate the rest of the way. Was it time to walk away from the rest of the people I cared about?

Myra had already prepared a tray of biscuits, so I put them into the second oven and then moved into the dining room, carrying the coffeepot. I set up a coffee station and arranged the table with plates and silverware. I heard the timer go off for the biscuits, so I turned back toward the kitchen. As I was heading down the short hall to the kitchen through the butler’s pantry, I saw a man entering the dining room from the entrance on the other side.

“Coffee’s ready if you want some. I’ll have breakfast out in a minute.”

“Thanks,” he mumbled.

I glanced at the clock in the kitchen, making sure I was still on time. 6:50. He was early.