Page 34 of The Curse Breakers


“I won’t be able to go anywhere until the day after tomorrow anyway,” I lied. “Bruce is still working on my car.”


Red flashing lights appeared in my rearview mirror and I groaned, looking down at the speedometer. I was going ten miles over the limit. “I have to go, Claire. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I was close enough to home that I pulled into my parking lot and got out of my car, slinging my purse over my shoulder.

Tom pulled in beside me and got out of his cruiser, wearing his uniform. Did that man ever take a day off? “In a hurry to get home, Ellie?”

I shrugged. “It’s been a hell of a day.”

He walked around the hood of his car and stood four feet in front of me. “You look a little pale.”

I glanced up at the streetlight. “I’m not sure how you can tell under this light, but you’re right. The curse of the English.”

“Where’ve you been, Ellie?”

I narrowed my gaze. “Is there a town curfew I’m unaware of?”

Tom crossed his arms. “I’m serious.”

“So am I.”

“Were you in Wanchese?”

Oh, shit. I held my ground. “I’m sorry. Does Wanchese have a restraining order against me?”

“This is serious, Ellie.” He moved closer, hooking his thumb on his belt. “Were you in Wanchese?”

“I don’t think I have to answer that question.”

His eyes narrowed. “Well, let me make it really clear for you. The Dare County Sheriff’s Office got a call from a freaked-out guy who said his buddy got swallowed by a giant snake at the docks at Wanchese. Know anything about that?”

“Sounds like your meth lab busts haven’t hit hard enough.”

“This man claimed his friend was with a redheaded woman wearing a white skirt and blue shirt.”

I resisted the urge to look down at my clothes. “So what’s this got to do with me?”

“Where are your shoes?”

“Is it a crime to go barefoot now,Officer?”

He bristled, and I felt like an ass. But the deeper Tom tried to dig into this mess, the more his life was at risk.

“I’ll have to ask you again. Know anything about a giant snake eating a man down by the docks?”

I tried to laugh. “Do you know how ridiculous you sound?” I lifted my hands in surrender. “You got me. My pet snake Big Nasty got loose and ate a guy. Oops.” But the memory of Mishiginebig chowing down on Bobby shot through me, making me nauseous.

“There’s a dead man floating in the cove with giant holes in his body, Ellie.”

Good, God. How fast was the response of the Dare County Sheriff’s Office in Wanchese? Perhaps I should consider relocating.

“Are you accusing me of a crime, Tom?” Weariness washed over me.

He noted the defeat in my voice and leaned in closer. “No, Ellie. Like I said, I think you’ve got yourself mixed up in something bad.”