Page 154 of The Curse Breakers

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. “Then I shall try my very best not to die tonight. Just for you.”

He murmured against my lips with a grin. “Thank you.” Then he released me and grabbed his car keys off the counter.

“Where are you going?”

“To get some holy water,” he said as he walked out the door.

I stared at the empty room. I had time to kill, and I wanted to look for more of Daddy’s notes and the ring, but I wasn’t sure where to look next. David and I had searched the other guest rooms, turning up nothing. I knew I needed to relax and try to remember specific incidents of when Daddy and I had played the hiding game. But I was four or five years old at the time. I was surprised by how many of the memories from my early childhood I had lost. How ironic that Momma had made Daddy stop the game because I was too good at finding the quarters, and now all I could find was a single hidden note.

I went upstairs to Myra’s room and was searching there when my phone rang. Claire was miffed. “I didn’t think you were ever going to call me again,” she pouted. “It’s beendays.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve just been busy.”

She heard the smile in my voice. “You totally hooked up with that hot British professor. Am I right?”


“You did!I was joking! Is he as hot naked as he looks in his clothes?”


“Well? Is he?”

“Let’s just say I’m fairly certain I have a date to your wedding next weekend.”

“That doesn’t tell me anything about how hot he is sans clothes. And my cousin will be extremely disappointed.”

“He’ll get over it.” I paused. “Say, I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to have a tattoo on my back in that halter dress you got me.”

“You found Ahone’s mark?”

“Yeah, finally.”


“It’s a long story, but I got the tattoo this afternoon.”

“It had to hurt like a son of a bitch to get it on your shoulder blade.”

“People say that about pretty much every body part.” I shook my head. “And it didn’t hurt too bad. David held my hand.”

“Is it okay if I gag now?”

“Stop!” I laughed.

“I’m happy for you, Ellie. He seems like a really great guy. He’s much better for you than Collin.”

“Yeah.” So why was I so sad for Collin? “Say, Claire. Something dangerous is going to happen tonight, so be sure to stay inside, okay? Do I need to come remark your door?”

“No, my door is fine. And why do I think you’re about to take part in this dangerous thing?”

“Because you’re smartandperceptive. Just stay inside.”

“Be careful, Ellie. Do you know how hard it will be for my sister to fit into your dress if you get yourself killed?”

“Ha! I’d like to see that. But sorry, I’m not planning on getting myself killed.” I heard noises downstairs. It sounded like the researchers had arrived. I needed to go down and make sure they got resettled. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

I hung up and went downstairs, happy to see Myra setting her bag down by the back door.