Page 149 of The Curse Breakers


“There’s a chant that you can supposedly use. I think it’s similar to the original curse.”

Hope bloomed in my chest. “And do you know it?”


I released my held breath. “Oh, thank God. We have to do it tomorrow night.”

“Why tomorrow?”

“I saw Daddy in my vision, and he told me that I have to defeat Ukinim and Ilena tomorrow night. He says I can do it on my own.”

“That’s the second best news I’ve heard all day.”

“And what’s the first?”

“That you’re coming home to me.”

I expected to be attacked by some demon or god before I got home, but I pulled into the parking lot without incident and ran up the stairs, stopping outside the door to stare at the symbol in the middle of the door.

But as I stared at it, the door flung open and David appeared in the doorway. I wondered what he thought. I was just in my shorts and bra, as my shirt had disappeared when we were fleeing from the water panther. But he gathered me in his arms, holding me tight.

“I was so scared, Ellie.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

He dragged me across the threshold and closed the door, pushing me against it and kissing me thoroughly.

I laughed against his lips. “I’ve been gone a few hours, not days.”

He lifted his head. “I swear to you, I’m not the clingy type, but I’m also not used to the woman I care about being in constant danger.”

My smile fell. “I’m sorry.”

He shook his head. “I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to this arrangement.”

“But it’s a different arrangement now. You couldn’t anticipate that.”

He didn’t answer. “Do you want to go first or me?”

“You,” I said. “But I need a cup of tea.” I nudged his arm. “Rumor has it that Englishmen are experts at making tea.”

“Is that so? Well, you might be right. I’m brilliant at making tea even with tea bags. Do you have any in the apartment?”

I laughed. “Yeah. In the kitchen.” I went into my room and grabbed a T-shirt, pulling it over my head.

David had found the tea bags and was looking for the kettle. His gaze lingered on me, questions in his eyes.

“You’re probably wondering where my shirt went.”

He looked into my eyes. “I trust you, Ellie.”

“I know, but I want to tell you anyway.”


“After I got out of the ocean—after my vision—I was wringing the water out of my T-shirt when Collin saw Okeus’s artwork.” I sighed. “I’ll admit that I was pissed that he was still defending Okeus, so I tore my shirt off to show him what Okeus has done to me.”