Page 13 of The Curse Breakers

He abruptly started walking again, hurrying for the exit. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’ve heard enough.”

I grabbed his arm. “Dr. Preston,please.”

He stopped and looked from my hand to my face, his expression all wariness.

“I promise you that this is important. Have you heard of a spirit that does that?”

“No. Look, Miss…”

“Ellie. Ellie Lancaster.” He tried to pull out of my grasp, but my fingers dug in deeper. “I know this sounds crazy, but you have no idea how important it is for you to tell me what you know.”

“Ellie, I suggest that you do an Internet search and perhaps read the bookIndians and Englishby Karen Ordahl Kupperman.”

“I already have.”

“Then I’m afraid I won’t be of much help to you.” He pried my fingers off his sleeve.

“Wait! Please!” I begged, digging my cell phone out of my purse. “Can you just look at this photo for me?”

Indecision flickered across his face before he closed his eyes with a sigh and then reopened them, shaking his head. “I’m going to warn you right now that if you’re showing me a naked photo of yourself, Iwillcall security and have you arrested.”

I looked up from scanning my photos for the one Claire had taken of my back a week ago. “What? No! God, no.” I handed him the phone. “Here. I know the mark’s faded, but if you zoom in, you can see it better.”

He reluctantly took the phone, pulled a pair of glasses from his shirt pocket, and put them on his nose. “Is this a tattoo?”

“Yes, but it’s henna.”

He rolled his eyes and started to lower the glasses. “Miss Lancaster.”

“Dr. Preston,please.”

The desperation in my voice must have swayed him, but he didn’t look happy as he examined the picture. “The symbols look Native American…”

“Can you make out what they mean?”

“Well, yes. They stand for forces of nature.” He pointed to the screen. “The sun, the moon. I believe these symbols in the corners stand for rain and storms.”

“What about the one in the center?”

He tilted his head to the side as he examined the image. “Some obscure texts show that symbol in relation to an Algonquian deity.”


His gaze lifted toward me, now tinged with curiosity. “Yes, but very few laypeople know that. Where did you learn of it?”

I ignored his question. “What about all the symbols put together? Are they like our alphabet? When you put a bunch of symbols all together, do they mean something different? Does this tattoo have a deeper meaning?”

He studied me with an expressionless gaze. “Yes.”

For the first time in weeks, I felt like I was getting somewhere. “Really? What?”

He slowly handed the phone back to me. “It means some drunk college kid went out and got a bad henna tattoo during spring break. Now if you’ll excuse me, you’ve wasted enough of my time.”

I followed him toward the exit, tears springing to my eyes as I kept pace with him. “Dr. Preston, this isn’t a joke. I need your help. Do you know the symbol for Ahone? My life depends on it. Please.”

He looked back at me with disgust and pity. “Miss Lancaster, if this isn’t a joke, the only help I can give you is to suggest you check yourself into a hospital for psychiatric screening.” He pushed the door open. “Now if you’ll excuse me.”

I watched him walk across the courtyard, my last bit of hope leaving with him.