Page 160 of The Curse Breakers

David was climbing down the tree when I heard a loud cracking sound. The tree fell the rest of the way to the ground, David deep within its foliage.


The badgers bent their heads low to the ground, pacing around the outer salt line.

David groaned, pulling himself up through the branches. “Ellie, get back to the inner circle!”

“It didn’t work!”

“I know. Now you need to protect yourself.”

But even if I listened to him, I wasn’t sure how long it would help. The badgers were kicking dirt over the salt, breaking the outermost circles.

The clouds overhead rolled furiously, and thunder rumbled long and loud as if in protest.

“Hey, you wankers!” David shouted, holding the bottle of holy water in his hand. “Look at me!” He stood on the fallen tree trunk, waving his arms in the air.

“David! No!”

But the badgers had turned to face David, who was seemingly easier prey. His leg was dripping with blood, which had to only increase their interest in him.

He held out the bottle of holy water and shook it toward the nearest badger. Ilena squealed in pain and bolted backward, crashing into a tree as the scent of singed skin and hair filled the clearing.

Ukinim stopped charging David and turned toward his mate, sniffing her back and licking her face.

I knew David’s intention was to distract Ukinim and Ilena so that I could get back to the table, but I needed another plan, since the first one had failed. Right now, I needed to get the badgers away from David, or I needed to use the words of protection to send them away temporarily. Which meant we would be back at square one.

Daddy had told me I had the resources to send them away. Why hadn’t my instincts kicked in yet?

Ilena was still howling but Ukinim turned toward David, his menacing growl filling the air. “I will make you pay,tosh-shonte.”

I headed over to the path that led to the replica ofElizabeth II, which was docked several hundred feet away. “Hey, Ukinim!” My voice was barely audible over the blustering wind.

“Ellie!” David shouted in irritation. “Stop!”

But Ukinim’s attention turned to me.

Rain began to pour from the sky and lightning struck the ground on the other side of the park, filling the air with the stench of burnt wood.

“Come and get me!” I walked backward. I was leading the badgers away from David, but what would protect him from the wind gods? He couldn’t run on his injured leg.

The circle. It had protected me from all the gods and spirits except Okeus at the gate ceremony.

“David, get into the circle!” I turned around, making sure the badgers were following, and sprinted for the ship that was anchored in the cove, hoping he would listen.

I had no idea how fast giant badgers could run, but I had a feeling it was faster than me. The wind shifted direction, pushing me forward instead of impeding my progress. I scrambled toward the ship as they chased behind me, smashing the wooden floor as they went.

I only realized what they were doing when it was too late to change course—they were destroying my escape path.

I made it to the dock and ran over the gangplank onto the boat. Now I was really trapped unless I jumped into the sound. I knew they could swim, but all the information I’d found indicated that they preferred not to. Of course, they might decide I was worth the effort.

Where was Mishiginebig when I needed him?

Ilena walked along the edge of the dock and growled. A large bald spot covered her back where the holy water had doused her. “We have you now, Curse Keeper.”

I flexed my hand, ready to use my power. I knew that I should. My instincts had yet to kick in. But stubbornness won out. If I sent them away, they’d only come back again…and the next time they’d be even angrier. Daddy had said to do this tonight. I had to trust him.

Ilena leaped over the gap between the dock and the ship, landing on the deck, while Ukinim blocked any attempt I might have made to jump back onto the dock.