Page 29 of Sangria

“Like this?” she asks as she pulls on the horn and her leg swings out.

“Yes,” I say, trying not to laugh. “Move closer to Abby. She won’t move.”

Zara does, and as she tries to pull herself up, I place my hands just under her ass and hoist her up. Of course, as hard as I tried not to imagine anything perverted I failed once I touched her bare skin.

I stay behind her so she can’t see my erection while I give her basic instructions. The last thing I want is to send her the wrong message. She’s here to recover, not get hit on.

Once I’ve mounted Night we start off toward the back portion of my land. I have a man-made pond that I usually let the horses drink from and make that our destination point.

We move along with a slow trot while I point out specifics about my property. If she continues to ride, I’ll take her up the ridge where she can see the city. I’ve always thought about taking someone special up there to look at the lights below. Iris hated horses and didn’t care much for hiking.

I keep pace with Zara and Abby, much to Night’s displeasure. I know he wants to get out and run, and I make a mental note to take him out again in the morning, along with Stormy’s horse. Abby couldn’t care less if she ever ran.

“Are you having fun?” I ask as we draw closer to the pond.

“I am, but it’s hot out.”

She’s right, and I hadn’t thought about making sure I was covered, but she is, and I guess that’s more important to me right now.

“Are you wearing sunblock?” she asks.

I nod but also grimace. “Most of my torso is.”

I can tell by the way she’s looking at me that she doesn’t like my answer. I like that she cares though.

“We’re coming upon the pond. The horses will drink, and then we’ll head back.” I’m pissed that I didn’t plan ahead. If I hadn’t been so eager to get her out here, I could’ve made sure that I had water and snacks for us, plus a shirt for me.

Abby starts to trot faster when she sees the pond, causing me to react. I reach over and grab her reins to hold her steady. The last thing I want is for Zara to be scared and never ride again.

When we get closer, I hop off Night and let him meander to his drinking hole while I help Zara down. With her hands on my forearms, she slides down my body, pressing herself into me. As soon as I feel my body reacting, I step away expecting her to let go of my arms, but she doesn’t. I chalk it up to her needing to steady herself, but she looks pretty sure-footed.Nothing but friendsI remind myself.

Abby moves toward the pond causing Zara to watch her. She goes to follow and reaches for my hand in the process. I could easily play this off and say it’s because of the terrain and the flimsy tennis shoes she’s wearing, but the land is fairly flat, and even the clumsiest person couldn’t fall.

“This is so beautiful, Levi.”

I open my mouth to tell her that it’s not nearly as beautiful as she is but quickly change my mind. “Thank you. It took us about two months to dig out and run the pipes. There’s a natural spring not far from here, so the water is fresh.”

“Do you swim in there?”

“Yeah, we do. The middle is about eight feet deep, and the sides have a gradual decline.”

“Is this why you don’t have a pool?”

“I have a pool,” I tell her as I try to control my laughter. “It’s on the other side of the house. You just haven’t seen it yet.”

Zara looks at me, her expression unreadable. This would be a perfect time to kiss her if our lives were on the same path or if we had one thing in common aside from our love of music.

“You’re right. Once I sat on the deck, I didn’t move. I guess you owe me another tour when we get back.”

“That can be arranged,” I say, winking at her again. I have never been much of a winker until I met her. I think it’s because I like watching her cheeks turn red when I do it.

“I think we should go swimming.”

“We can later.”

“No, now,” she says, stepping away from me. The first article of clothing she removes is my shirt, followed by her own and when her hands start to shimmy her shorts off, I tell myself to turn away, but I don’t. I stand there, watching as she undresses in front of me, killing me slowly.

“Are you coming?”