Page 43 of Yours to Catch

“A lot changes in three months.” My sister beams at her daughter resting in my arms.

I drift a bent knuckle along the baby’s soft cheek. “Where does the time go?”

“Beats me,” Joy muses. “I swear it was March just yesterday. Next thing I know, it’s mid-June and my newborn is now an infant.”

“She’s still very little,” I murmur.

“And she’ll always be my baby.” My sister swoops down to pepper Belle with kisses. “I’m glad you were free to take care of her. We’re doing this mini showcase performance for parents at the studio. It’s too late to cancel.”

“I’m shocked you deem me worthy of the task. It’s an honor. Am I your last resort?”

“Oh, stop. You’re not that far down the list,” she argues.

“Everyone else is busy, huh?”

Joy doesn’t bother denying it. “Cole’s meeting is running late. Mom and Dad have dinner plans.”

“What happened to your nanny?” My reason for asking might serve a selfish purpose.

“Grace was supposed to be here, but she isn’t feeling well. She called after leaving the Nelson’s house. I guess her throat is sore and getting worse.”

“You talked to her?”

My sister narrows her eyes at the desperation in my voice. “Well, yeah. How else would I know she isn’t coming?”

“She could’ve just texted you,” I grumble. Not that I’m jealous or anything. It doesn’t matter that we’ve never spoken on the phone.

“That’s not nearly as professional.”

I grunt. “As if you care.”

Her squint turns into a sharp point determined to stab at my irritation. “You haven’t heard from her lately?”

“Not since the farmers market, and that was several days ago.” The reminder of our newfound tradition pumps warmth through me. We didn’t kiss, but she let me hold her hand when another clingy barfly crossed our path.

“Have you reached out to her?”


My sister pinches the bridge of her nose. “And why not?”

Prickles spread across my nape from her direct scrutiny. “I dunno. She’s supposed to message me.”

“What happened to you sending her potential boyfriends?”

My stiff rocking motion stalls. “Grace told you about that?”

“Harper found out and mentioned something to me,” she hedges.

“Of course she did.”

She waves off my dry tone. “Like you don’t expect us to blab about your business, especially when you’re being ridiculous. Did you really think she wouldn’t notice the guys are models?”

“They looked like decent options. I don’t see the issue.” I’m full of enough shit to turn my eyes brown.

“Why can’t you just admit that you want her?”

“I do want her, but I’m not who she wants.”