Page 9 of Yours to Catch

“Yes, the attractive genes were saved for me.” Then she quirks a brow. “You know my brother?”

“He’s my soulmate,” I mumble.

Joy lets her jaw hang slack. “Excuse me?”

“Not actually,” I rush to explain. “Our numbers matched at the spring festival thing. It’s not a big deal.”

She studies me for several tense seconds. “But you just called him your soulmate.”

“He started it,” I defend. “Just as a joke.”

“Okay, now you’re making sense. ‘Cause I was gonna say,” she mutters. “That nincompoop has trouble committing strictly to boxers or briefs. He switches off to ensure his detached reputation remains intact. I’ve been tempted to buy him a dog just to see if he’s capable of forming an attachment to something other than family or his bar.”

“Is he that opposed to commitment?” Something about the extreme definition doesn’t sit right with me.

“Meh, not really. I’m exaggerating. Mostly. He just doesn’t want to settle down. As in never ever. But otherwise, he’s great. Dependable where it counts, you know?”

I make the mistake of peeking over to where Garrett is stretching against a tree. One harmless glance is enough to render me incoherent. “Uh-huh, I can see that.”

“This should be entertaining.” Her smile takes a conniving turn that prickles the skin on the back of my neck.

“Please don’t—”

Before I can finish my request, Joy is catcalling her brother from where we sit several yards away. She gestures wildly for good measure. “Hey, lover boy! Over here. Yoo-hoo!”

Garrett whips his head in our direction. A megawatt smile stretches his irresistible appeal to a point I might never recover from. Damn those dimples. I muffle a whimper while trying to pretend to be unaffected. The effort is in vain since Joy caught me ogling him not even five minutes ago. She’s well aware of my current struggle, not bothering to tamp down a victorious giggle.

To make matters worse, Garrett jogs toward us in all his hulking glory. The smooth pace showcases his reincarnated Adonis physique. No man should look that good, especially one who’s determined to remain single. Tack on his charm and wit and seal him as the entire package.

My temperature rises with each foot he erases until I’m set to sweltering. If twat flutters exist, I’m experiencing an episode powerful enough to climax. I force my concentration to focus on counting blades of grass or I’m likely to spontaneously combust.

“Hello, ladies.” He’s not winded in the slightest. Go figure.

Joy wiggles her fingers at him. “Hey, bro. Didn’t expect to find you frolicking about.”

“This is my usual route,” he explains. His sharp gaze shifts from his sister to me. “How do you two know each other?”

“It’s a funny story,” I note absently.

“Grace is your niece’s new nanny,” Joy chirps.

His eyes bulge. “No shit?”

“Language,” she scolds.

Garrett grunts. “Belle doesn’t understand me.”

“Not yet, no. You should change your bad habits before she can. Be proactive.”

“Fine, whatever. Why didn’t you tell me you were hiring a nanny?”

Joy snorts. “Did you want to apply?”

He scrubs at the dark scruff coating his jaw. Those same thick fingers comb through his damp hair to further tickle my restraint. “I could try to shift my schedule.”

“That’s very generous, but we’ve got the situation handled.” She gestures at me. “I believe you’re already acquainted.”

“Something like that,” I hedge.