Page 95 of Wrong For You

“Impressive,” I muse.

A low rumble ripples from him. “Keep stroking my ego and I’ll need to plunge straight into the deep end.”

My belly swoops at the visual of him dripping. As a distraction, I whip off the plain cotton dress covering my suit. A choked grunt from the hulking temptation has me peeking over. His rapt focus is feasting on me and my exposed curves. That heated stare is a serious boost to my confidence. I roll my shoulders back, which thrusts my breasts out.

“What’re you wearing?” The question is a barely restrained growl.

I glance down. “A bikini.”

“It’s more string than fabric,” he complains.

“This is the—”

But my justification falls flat when he strips off his shirt. Lava floods my veins at the sculpted muscles he just casually tossed on display. His tattoos seem to glow under the sunlight streaming through the windows. Drool puddles in my mouth while I take my fill.

“See something you like?” His smug grin is far too satisfied with my slack-jaw ogling.

“We better cool off.” I ditch my sandals in preparation.

Jake takes the hint a little too far. Before I can move, he has me hoisted over his shoulder and saunters into the pool. My squeak of outrage is swallowed by his splashing stride. Meanwhile, Syd is cheering him on while swimming laps around us. The water reaches me at mid-thigh when he sinks lower, slipping my body down the front of his. A moan nearly trips from my parted lips at the wet friction. I manage to slam my mouth shut to muffle the lusty sounds.

The cool temperature is a welcome relief. I plunge under the surface, relishing the chilly sensation sweeping over me. Tiny fingers pull at mine and I break from the depths with a sputter.

“Harpy, you gotta come up for air.” Syd’s chastising is too adorable to ignore.

A laugh tumbles from me while I wipe the moisture from my eyes. “I wasn’t down there for long.”

“It was like three hundred seconds,” she insists.

“Did you count for me?”

Her expression scrunches. “No. Why would I do that?”

“To see how long I can hold my breath.”

“I have a different method we could try later,” Jake mumbles too quietly for his daughter to hear.

My throat tightens at the dizzying thought. A feverish spike in temperature encourages me to submerge myself again. Instead, I make the error of meeting his stare.

He has his arms crossed, drawing attention to his flexed biceps. This man consumes my concentration by just standing still. Movement in my peripheral confirms that I’m not alone in this trance. I realize my oversight in believing this would be a relaxing day at the pool. At least six women in our direct vicinity are openly giving him thorough thrice-overs.

One is bolder, swinging her slender hips to make waves as she inches closer. She reminds me of a shark after catching the scent of fresh meat. I’m going to dunk her head underwater if she keeps staring at my man. That aggressive thought gives me pause. Damn, when did I get so possessive? Jake must be rubbing off on me again.

“Someone is in the mood to snack on a daddy,” I mutter.

“Huh?” He’s oblivious, his gaze shifting from me to Syd at regular intervals.

His daughter doesn’t share that trait. The intuitive kiddo studies Jake’s horny admirers with a knowing squint. She points directly at a lurking trio. “Daddy, do you know those girls?”

He doesn’t spare them a glance. “No.”

Before we could attempt to silence her, she turns to confront the harlots. “Why’re you looking at my daddy? You’re strangers.”

The women recoil, but their shock is quickly replaced by matching sneers. Mama bear mode surges through my veins. I glare at them, just waiting for so much as a peep against her. Turns out my protective instincts aren’t required in this instance.

Syd isn’t satisfied with their silence. “Stop staring at him. It’s rude. My daddy is gonna marry Harpy. Then she’s gonna be my new mom.”

I roll my lips between my teeth to stifle a giggle. It probably isn’t wise to encourage her, but Jake’s smirk shines with fatherly pride. On the sly, I sneak a palm out toward her. She slaps hers down and the resulting splash feels like an achievement.