Page 47 of Wrong For You

“A little warning would be nice,” I mutter.

“Check your email,” she chirps.

Fuck email,I silently spew. My personal inbox is flooded with over two thousand unread messages. “Can’t you text me?”

“Can’t you read your emails? Everyone else got the memo.” She lifts her chin to a spot behind me.

I let my gaze follow hers. Ten other adults are crowded in the lobby, ready and waiting to learn. The prepared crew is dressed appropriately in athletic gear. My flannel and jeans are no match for the task. Their expectant expressions are too eager, especially the three men ogling Harper’s curves.

My gut clenches. “We’re doing this now?”

She crosses her arms, shoving her luscious tits up for my viewing pleasure. “If you’re willing. No pressure. It’s meant to be fun.”

“C’mon, Daddy.” Syd yanks at my arm with the strength of a Clydesdale. “I wanna be in the front row.”

“Of course you do,” I mutter.

But my feet obediently follow her into a long, narrow room. She guides me to a pink dot on the glossy floor. Mirrors cover three walls from floor to ceiling. My own fierce grimace glares back at me until Sydney’s infectious glee smooths the upset.

Her skinny form snuggles into my side. “Thanks for being my partner, Daddy. I can’t wait to dance with you.”

And just like that, I become putty in her small palm. “Anything for you, Boop.”

Harper glides into the studio with a practiced stride of authority. “Welcome to our class, family and friends. We’re happy to have you.”

A chorus of mixed greetings fills the space in response.

She nods and claps twice. “Thanks for squeezing these short practices into your busy schedules. I’m aware that your time is valuable, and I won’t ask for too much. We’re going to keep this basic but adorable. Since we’re taking it easy, there’s no need to stretch or do a formal warm-up. Bonus, right?”

Someone in the back clears their throat. “How many times are we meeting again?”

“Just three. But we can add more if needed. Everyone learns at their own pace.”

Mumbled agreements come from the group.

Harper smiles. “I created a simple choreography that should be easy to memorize. This short routine involves a combination of step touches, timed toe taps, ball changes, tendus, and pivot turns. Maybe a few hip dips and top rocks if we’re feeling fancy. We’ll incorporate a traveling basket and several turnaround lifts for the pair sections.”

I sure as shit assume I’m not the only one gawking like she’s speaking a foreign language.

“Don’t worry,” she laughs. “I’ll demonstrate each, and we’ll go slow. There’s a packet with step-by-step directions as well. This lesson will focus on the individual basics. Then next time we’ll add the partner pieces. Ready to begin?”

“Yes,” is our unified reply.

“Excellent,” she cheers and grabs a remote.

A heavy beat floods the silence. The music almost makes me want to dance. Many of the other adults surrender to the temptation. Several shoulders are already wiggling to the fast tempo. The kids join us, laughter blending in with the song.

“Yes!” Harper hoots. “You’re already in the mood. I love it.”

A foul curse tickles my tongue when I find my heel stomping along to the rhythm. Syd giggles and begins mimicking the involuntary action. I pinch the bridge of my nose while unease bunches my muscles.

“We’re going to start with the step touch. This is the foundation for most dance moves. It’s a total breeze, and also fairly self-explanatory.”

Sydney and her fellow dancers begin moving in what I guess is the step touch. Their arms roll between each transition, ending on a clap when their feet meet.

“Hey, hey.” Harper wags her finger in a teasing manner. “We need to explain the steps.”

“Oh, oh!” My daughter thrusts her hand in the air. “We start at first position.”