Page 22 of Wrong For You

Sydney spins toward me in a continuous twirl fit for a mini prima ballerina. What the move lacks in technical form is more than compensated for in fun. Her feet are a blur as she spirals in a relatively upright position. I laugh and clap, cheering on her natural talent. She turns faster with my encouragement.

When Syd comes to an abrupt halt, her eyes are unfocused. “Whoa, I’m dizzy.”

The little girl stumbles sideways and I lunge forward to catch her. “Take it easy, superstar.”

Her posture is still unsteady in my grip. “Did I do really good?”

“The best,” I confirm.

“I love to dance!” She thrusts her arms in the air, wiggling her butt to a giddy beat.

“Which makes me very happy. You’re keeping me in business.” I give her more applause.

Sydney takes a gracious bow. “And I’m gonna get extra better with more practice.”

“Yep, you got an individual lesson for free. How special is that?”

“Like a lucky wish.” She throws her arms around me. “You’re my favorite teacher ever.”

My heart swells while I return her hug. “I’m not supposed to choose favorites, but you make that extremely difficult.”

And let’s be honest, she steals the top slot.

She breaks our embrace and drops into a bouncy plié. “Is my daddy gonna be done working soon?”

I glance at the clock, not that the time is telling in this case. “He’s probably on the way.”

There was an accident involving multiple cars in town. Jake got called to the site since Kade and Penn—the only other mechanics at his shop—weren’t available. Apparently, tow trucks are few and far between in these parts. Job security at its finest.

I could hear how much it pained him to ask me for a favor. Jake didn’t have much choice, which put me in control for a change. That doesn’t mean I’d take advantage of his vulnerable position. It just gives me the chance to reap kindness from him in return. The theory is comical, but possible. If only slightly.

In any event, I don’t have plans until later. I was happy to oblige for an emergency. It’s not like Syd is difficult to entertain.

“What should we do now?” Sydney attempts a pirouette, but falls from position halfway through.

“Try again,” I urge.

Her smile doesn’t slip as she prepares to do just that. She sets herself straight ahead at the mirror wall. Her right foot notches to her left knee. She holds steady for several counts, only her lips moving with the numbers. The motion is slow and wobbly, but a complete turn.

“Yay! You did it,” I praise.

“I did it!”

Our palms meet for a celebratory high-five. She glances around the otherwise empty studio for a wider audience. Her enthusiasm dims with a slouch.

“What’s with the frown, cutie?”

She pouts. “When is Joy gonna be back?”

“After her baby is born,” I explain.

It’s a question I’ve become very familiar with. My bestie’s absence is a noticeable gap. As co-owner, she’s been a constant presence since we opened. Well, until she was put on bed rest. The day we went shopping last week was truly her last hurrah before delivery. I’ve been carrying my phone like a third arm just waiting for a labor alert.

Sydney cuts into the pause as if listening to my thoughts. “When will that be?”

I heave a thick sigh. “Next year at this rate.”

Her gasp highlights my error. “But you said she’s about to pop!”