Page 102 of Wrong For You

“The bestest,” I gush.

Just as we’re striding to the hall, a timid knock stalls our progress and calls us back. Jake peers at the door with a furrow creasing his brow. “Maybe they forgot something.”

He turns the knob, a grumpy comment already parting his lips. But whatever he planned to say manifests as a foul curse. I’m not left to wonder why for long.

The breath whisks from my lungs at the sight of the visitor on the porch. Jake attempts to block the doorway, hiding her from view, but it’s too late. Time sputters to a stop as I stare at the woman who has the power to rip my fairytale to shreds. It feels like my legs buckle, but I’m frozen solid.


“So,” she clips. “It’s true.”

“That you haven’t been by to see your daughter in over four months?” Jake’s glare is nothing short of menacing as he prepares to face off against her. His wide stance and crossed arms aren’t meant to be trifled with.

“Yikes.” I wince at the restrained anger rippling off his flexed muscles.

Her huff is misplaced. “It hasn’t been that long.”

He flips his hat backward to give her the full force of his frustration. “Not sure on the exact amount, seeing as I quit keeping track. Didn’t find it necessary.”

She flinches but recovers quickly. “I’ve been busy.”

“Same here.” He makes a circular gesture to indicate his house before hitching a thumb in my general direction. “You’re causing a disruption.”

With a heavy heart, I recognize that honor belongs to me. My expression falls as they continue flinging snide remarks. An unmistakable presence clings to my legs and shakes me from the sorrow.

Syd has tucked herself behind me. She peeks at her mother with what resembles fear. But that can’t be right.

I spin and sink to my knees. Our eyes meet, a silent understanding passing between us. The pressure in my chest is crushing. “Why don’t you say hello to your mom?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t wanna.”

“But she’s here to see you,” I insist.

Sydney glances between her mother and me. The conflict pinches her brows together. My stomach plummets at the sight. I had every intention of standing my ground until this moment. But the last thing I’d ever want is to put her in a difficult position where she might suffer. I’ll make the decision easier, especially since it isn’t a choice at all.

“There’s plenty you need to tell your mommy. You two can chat while I get some work done.”

“But it’s the weekend.” Her intuitive nature and clever wit don’t fail to notice my slip.

“That just means I’ll be extra prepared.” My mood takes a nosedive when her bottom lip wobbles.

She sniffles. “You’re not gonna leave forever, right?”

I cup her cheek. My resolve weakens when she leans into my touch. “Of course not, superstar. You’ll see me soon.”

“Like when?” Her firm tone demands that I stay put.

It’s becoming more challenging to hold back my upset. The pain urges me to curl inward—cold and empty. “When you’re done hanging out with your mom.”

“But I don’t wanna go with her,” Syd wails.

“You don’t have to,” Jake assures her from his unrelenting post guarding the door.

Morgan makes no attempt to argue. The silence that follows is tense, crackling against my skin. This situation is suddenly too familiar, stitching past and present in harsh clarity. It’s enough to prick my eyes with unshed tears.

I stand, tapping Sydney’s nose. “Don’t forget that I love you, okay?”

She flings her arms around my waist. “Love you, Harpy.”