Page 97 of Wrong For You

“A fort?” Syd slaps an open palm to her cheek as stunned silence whistles from her gaping lips. “I’ve always wanted a fort!”

That has me reviewing years of memories, only to find nothing relevant. “You have?”


I remove my hat, only to flip it backward. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Didn’t know I wanted one until right now in this very moment.” Spoken like the true princess she claims to be.

I grunt without an ounce of malice. “Oh, I see.”

Her head begins to bob rapidly. “I was wrong about Harpy at the front door being the best surprise ever. This”—she thrusts her arms forward—“is the bestest surprise ever.”

“Really?” Harper is clutching her hands to her chest.

Sydney doesn’t hesitate to run toward her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

The brilliant blonde sways from the enthusiastic onslaught. “You’re very welcome. I’m glad you’re excited.”

“Like sooooo super-duper! Does this mean you’re gonna move in forever? I don’t ever want you to leave.”

“If your daddy gets his way,” she replies with a lifted brow at me. “How’s my car doing, JJ?”

I rock on my heels at the sudden change of topic. “Fine.”

“Is it fixed yet?”


She scoffs, but there’s no masking her smile. “Why not?”

I rack my brain for a plausible excuse that won’t make me sound like a deplorable asshole. “Do you know how to check the oil?”

Harper squints at my diversion. “It has something to do with a dipstick.”

“Let me teach you how.” There isn’t a request in my statement.

“Then my car will be done?”

“Not even close.”

She groans at the ceiling. “You’re doing this on purpose.”

“And if I am?”

“There’s little I can do other than continue being dependent on you.”

“Whatever keeps you in my bed until I get a ring on your finger.”

Her eyes widen, but our audience is captivated elsewhere. “Relentless man.”

“And you love me,” I brag.

“I do.” She doesn’t sound the least bit upset about that fact.

“Yeah, Pitch. That wouldn’t be too rough, huh? We’re about to have a cozy evening.” I jut my chin at the accommodations she created for us.

“Can I go in yet?” Syd points at the only visible point of entry.