Page 112 of Wrong For You

The crowd goes wild, matching the erratic possibilities my mind is conjuring. I silently mouth my appreciation to everyone in attendance. Jake cuts into the celebration by clearing his throat.

“There’s a question I need to ask.”

The crowd gasps as he lowers to one knee. He digs in his jacket pocket, producing a small box that shreds any lingering doubt. When he flips open the lid, I almost tip over. Sparkles flood my vision in a blinding streak. Once the splotches clear, the sight waiting for me steals my breath.

Nestled in the crushed velvet is the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen—cliché as that might be. Dark and light gems blend into a swirling pattern along the band. The visual impact is mesmerizing. A large diamond is perched in the center, connecting the opposing colors.

“I got creative with the design,” Jake murmurs. His words are just for me now, the mic off and discarded.

My eyes burn, a lone tear escaping to cascade down my cheek. “It’s gorgeous.”

“Fit to make a statement for the woman who I hope will wear it.” The grin he wears threatens to derail my focus.

“And what might that be?” I hiccup a breath while more happiness leaks down my face.

“The clash symbolizes us.” He inhales until his broad chest expands from the force. “I’m the storm to your sunshine. You’re the smile to my scowl. We balance each other, baby.”

Sniffles meet his romantic explanation. “We do.”

“Love can creep under the radar undetected. That’s not the case for me with you. I’ve loved you since I had the temporary privilege of calling you mine. That might be hard to believe, but this broody grump has always been yours.”

“At least you’re finally able to admit it,” I tease.

“I’m a changed man thanks to you. And now, I hope you’ll be willing to permanently tie yourself to me.” He takes my left hand in his, gently kissing the bare skin on my third finger. “Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

My watery stare anchors on him, seeing our future bright in his gaze. Tears stream down my face in hot rivulets. I’m nodding, my throat too tight to squeak out a peep.

“Sing it for me, Pitch.”

“Yes! Yes, yes yes,” I chant.

Jake manages to slide the platinum band over my knuckle before I collapse in his arms. I smother his face in kisses, landing one on his lips. The crowd goes wild with whistles and applause, but I pay no attention to them. I’m perfectly suspended in this moment. It’s just me and the man I’ve loved for so long.

And then Sydney dives into our tangle of limbs. It’s a shock she waited this long. We loop together as a tight-knit unit, never to be broken.

“Mommy, I have one for you too.” She breaks from our hold to show me her gift. In her grip is a thin silver band, decorated with our names and ballet slippers. “It matches mine!”

“It’s perfect, superstar.” I’m a blubbering mess as she puts the symbolic token on my right ring finger.

“In case you couldn’t tell, she said yes to us,” Jake yells into the microphone.

Syd immediately snatches it from his grip. “They’re gonna get married and give me like seven little sisters.”

I might be crying, but the biggest smile recorded in history is stretched across my mouth. “What would’ve happened if I said no?”

Jake scoffs. “You couldn’t deny us if you tried, Pitchy. We might be wrong every now and then, but in the end, we’ll always be right.”

Iblindly search for the discarded bottle while tonguing Harper’s clit. She squeals when I latch on, clamping her swollen nub between my teeth. The suction I add only heightens her screams.

When I find purchase on the hot fudge, my solid grip squirts a generous amount down her slit. Harper gasps at the slick sensation. I smile into the slippery topping that coats her arousal. That shocked reaction she gives me is the same with each pour. My feasting doesn’t waver either as I begin my third serving.

The sweet sauce floods my mouth, momentarily drowning the addictive flavor I truly crave. Her tangy spice quickly overpowers the artificial sugar, much to my pleasure. A groan rips from me as I devour the taste of her need for me. I grind into the sheets in a desperate attempt to relieve the strain in my cock. Just one more and I’ll sink deep into her.

I lick her with fast strokes, pulling away just enough to speak. “Your pussy is a delicacy on its own, but this combination is fucking exquisite.”

Harper’s grip on my hair tightens to shove my face tighter against her wanton core. “Keep eating. I’m close.”

“Shit, my wife is hungry for me tonight.” More than normal, not that I’m complaining.