“You fucking bitch.” She comes at me.
Like a moron, I just watch her swing. I wait for her palm to collide with my cheek, for the pain to ricochet up into my eye, for my skin to redden.Things I shouldn’t know anything about.
But it doesn’t connect.
Because of Jacob.
I didn’t notice him, and neither did she. Whatever her name is. Her jaw slackens when she sees who’s holding her wrist, and she doesn’t fight when he drags her toward him.
My body tenses, though. Becausefuckif I want to see her touching any part of him. Even if it’s just her wrist against his palm.
“If you ever want to step foot in my arena again, you’ll apologize to her. Right. Now.”
Her face goes white. Well, as white as it can under the layers of makeup. Her eyes roll to me, but she doesn’t seem willing to actually say sorry.
“I apologize,” she forces out.
Not really meaning it either.
“Let her go.” I sigh. “She’s just a stupid kid.”
He drops her wrist. Just like I thought, she turns and rushes away. No doubtsomeonewill hear about this. I’m gathering that Jacob, who had a freaking girl on speed dial to come suck his dick, is important.
Obviously important enough that the school put him on their banner.
Wait. Shit.
When did he graduate college?
Is that where we met?
“You okay, Melody?”
I cringe. Nope. Definitely not okay. I back away. “What part of needing space do you not understand? Jesus.”
He scoffs.
“Nothing,” he snaps. “Go on, have yourspace.”
He makes a shooing motion, and that infuriates me all the more. I’ll showhim. I’ll make it on my own tonight. And maybe tomorrow, too.
Who needs to go to New York? Not me.
I have a mystery to solve and a brain to unlock.
Jacob Rhodes has a freaking Wikipedia page. I skipped it the first time I searched his name, but now I skim the intro paragraph, which details who he is—a defenseman on the Colorado Titans, an NHL team—along with his age and where he was born. It confirms that he’s a decade younger than me, at any rate.
It makes me feel worse about my age.
I knew he was young, but…that young?
With a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, I scroll down to his schooling. He was a defenseman on the Crown Point University team, too. He graduated two years ago.