Page 113 of Arranged Silverfox

“Jasmine put me up to this. Plus, I wanted to meet all of your sorority sisters.” he said.

“Don’t let him fool you. He’s been texting me about it every day for the past week. He’s relentless. It was non-stop. Becca, I wanted to get you a stripper; I found a place and everything. I was going to get you a lap dance from a sexy baker with an unreasonably large baguette, but then he conned me into letting him attend,” Jasmine grumbled.

“Jazz, you know I wouldn’t have liked getting a lap dance while pregnant,” I chided.

“That’s what I said!” Sebastian grumbled.

“And then he made me put in a rush order for his PJS,” Jasmine huffed.

“I paid for expedited shipping and it was worth it. Look!” Sebastian turned around. “GROOM” was embroidered on the back of his top in black thread. We officially had matching pajamas.

“ The pants have such a nice breeze. I can see why girls like silk pajamas now.”

“Well, isn’t it great that we all learned something,” Jasmine deadpanned. I ushered Sebastian inside and made room on the kitchen island for the pizzas. Once everything was set up, I stood on my toes and looped my arms around his neck, pulling him for a deep kiss. His hand wandered down past my hips before settling on my ass and squeezing it. I groaned involuntarily.

“See! This is why I didn’t want him here! What about girl power and sisterhood?” Jasmine exclaimed.

“I think it’s cute!” Allison defended. Eventually, we pulled apart and helped dish out pizza for everyone. We sat together on the couch. Jasmine, Allison, and I each wore under-eye gels. Jasmine had stocked the bathroom with a spa’s worth of face masks and nail polish. Jasmine already agreed to do my toes since I was having trouble reaching them these days.

“So what exactly are the gels supposed to do?” Sebastian asked.

“They reduce puffiness and under-eye bags. Plus, they feel good. It’s nice and cool. You can try one if you want,” I said.

“I mean, that does sound nice,” Sebastian hedged. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I returned with a package of eye gels and pressed them gently below Sebastian’s eyes.

“You leave them on for fifteen minutes,” I said.

I looked at Sebastian and grinned. He looked surprisingly comfortable in his hot pink pajamas, a far cry from the misogynist I met all those months ago.

“This does feel good.” Sebastian admitted.

“So, what else do you do at sleepovers?” Sebastian asked.

“Well, after this, we have a wedding rom-com triple feature, with bothMamma Mia’sandMy Big Fat Greek Wedding,” Jasmine said.

“Wait, isn’t that the movie with all the ABBA songs?” Sebastian asked. I could see a grimace forming on his face as he reached over to grab another slice of pepperoni pizza.

“Yeah! It’s great, you’ll love it!” Allison reassured him.

“But it’s … ABBA,” Sebastian hedged.

“What’s wrong with ABBA?” I asked quirking up an eyebrow.

“My grandmother listened to them. They’re like the cheesiest band of all time. They wore gogo boots with zero irony.”

“Yeah, but this has Meryl Streep wearing gogo boots with zero irony and she’s a genius. She can do no wrong,” I insisted.

“I can’t handle this. I’m not a musical person to begin with but this, this is way too much,” Sebastian grumbled.

“Would you prefer if it was an action movie?” I shot back.

“No, I’d prefer if they kept the cheesy seventies hits to the minimum. Plus … Meryl Streep’s not a great singer,” Sebastian said pointedly.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, like you’re a popstar! I’ve heard you sing before!” I elbowed him in the ribs.

“When did you hear me sing?”

“On the way up to the cabin!” I said. Sebastian performed a truly heinous rendition of Guns ‘N’ Roses greatest hits once we lost cell service and the ability to listen to music.