“It’s not like you had a shining dating history either.” I elbowed Lachlan and Agnes laughed. “Okay, so, it looks like you’ve narrowed in on someone.”

“I have. I think.” Agnes nodded, catching my eye.

I studied the sheet, seeing how she’d traced the lineage, and where she’d landed.

“A baker? Or a chef? The cook?” I guessed.

“Aye,” Agnes said. “Arguably one of the most important roles in a castle and village, those who provided the food and managed the food supplies were vitally important.”

“That makes sense,” Lachlan said, leaning back to throw an arm around my shoulder. “I’ve always admired anyone who has that skill. I’m content to open a cold can of beans and eat it straight from the can.”

“Of course the chefs are the most important,” Lottie piped in, nodding along to the conversation. “A good one always adds a key ingredient to every dish.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Love,” Lottie said, turning to me with a wide smile. “Love is always the best ingredient.” For such a long time, I would have mocked Lottie for that comment. But I now knew her words to be true. Love had been the missing ingredient in my life because I’d steered clear of it. Feared the rejection that could come with it. But here in Loren Brae, I had grabbed hold of love with arms open wide, and my life was all the better for it.

Kelpies and all.

* * *