Page 20 of Luke

“I couldn’t last Eve.”

Eve rested her body on her elbows as she looked at Luke before her. His large body shuddering at the force of his climax into her.

“I love that I did that to you. Best punishment ever,” she grinned as Luke gathered her in his arms.


Withreneweddetermination,Lukethrew himself into fixing up Kane's old house for Eve. He spent hours sanding down rough edges, patching up holes, and painting the walls with care. Every detail was chosen with her in mind: from the cozy window seat where she could curl up with a book, to the vintage chandelier that would cast a gentle glow over her dining table. Where he once wanted to go slow and take his time with the house, now he had renewed determination to fix it up, to keep Eve on the ranch, closer to him.

Luke had previously thought about inventing a burst water pipe or something where he could move in with her now, but he already felt bad about lying about the house taking so long. And he had other plans for her. For both of them.

He had to take things one step at a time and wait for the right moment.

"Looking good, man," Kane called out as he approached, clapping Luke on the back. "Eve's going to love this place when it's done."

"Thanks," Luke replied gruffly, his cheeks flushing at the mention of her name. "Just trying to make it perfect for her."

Kane nodded, understanding flickering in his dark eyes. "She deserves it, you know. After everything she's been through, she needs a place where she can feel safe and happy."

Luke swallowed hard. He knew all too well the pain that marred her past, the scars that she bore both physically and emotionally. All he wanted was to help her heal, to show her that love could be a powerful force for good.

"Trust me," he said quietly, his voice laced with conviction. "I'm going to make sure this house is everything she's ever dreamed of."

“I hear the Book Nook is going through some transformation as well,” Kane said, a question in his voice.

Luke grinned at his brother. “I built a bakery and coffee shop just for her.”

Kane frowned. “Does she know?”

Luke shook his head, “no but she brings in pies every day for customers, and she always grumbles that one day she will save enough to get her own shop. I’m just bringing the timeline forward for her.”

“And keeping her close,” Kane chuckled. “Good thinking brother.”

“She’s the one for me Kane. I saw it with you and Sarah and now I’m lucky enough to have it myself and I’m not letting it go.”

Kane nodded. “I’m happy for you Luke. You both deserve this.”

“So, what about this house? It seems like you are fixing it up for no one now if your plan is for Eve to live with you.”

Luke nodded, “maybe, but I want her to have a choice. Eve might not want to move in right way. I want her to not feel forced into anything.”

The brothers talked a little more before Kane walked away and left Luke to put the final touches on the house.


LukestoodoutsidetheBook Nook, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it – the moment he'd been working towards ever since he'd realized his feelings for Eve. He had spent countless hours setting up a surprise for Eve.

His Eve.

"Luke?" Eve's voice broke him out of his reverie, her presence like a warm embrace as she approached him, her dark hair cascading down her shoulders in gentle waves.

"Hey," he replied, his gruff voice betraying his nerves. "I, uh, have something I want to show you."

"Sure, what is it?" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, and Luke couldn't help but grin at her enthusiasm.

"Follow me." He led her inside the bookstore, his large frame dwarfed by the towering shelves filled with stories waiting to be discovered. The smell of aged paper and leather bindings created an atmosphere of comfort, and Luke felt a sense of pride for having created this space.

"I love the feel of this place," Eve said, her fingers brushing against the spines of the books as they walked. "What are we doing here?"