Something that he said triggered a memory of a conversation that she’d heard several times over the years, but to be honest she wasn’t really focused on anything else but what Darrin was doing to her and God, did he know exactly what she liked.

He knew exactly what she liked, how she liked it, and what needed to be done in order to leave her begging for more, screaming his name and damn near losing her mind as he took possession of her body and made her tremble with pleasure.

“The curse can’t touch us twice, sweetheart,” Darrin groaned with a chuckle as he pressed a kiss against the side of her neck. “We’ve already gone through hell and back, baby, and survived. We’ve earned this trip, earned this,” he said, punctuating his words with a hard, deep thrust.

She tried to respond, tried to tell him that he was wrong, that they needed to leave, but she couldn’t do much more than moan his name, something that she seemed unable to stop doing and judging by the way that he moaned right along with her and quickened his pace, he didn’t want her to stop anytime soon.

“We’ve more than earned this, sweetheart,” he said with a loud grunt as he sent them both over the edge.

As she lay there, panting and trying not to fall asleep, she realized something very important.

He was right.

They’d already been to hell and back.

There was nothing else to fear, nothing else to hold them back, and just as soon as she was able to open her eyes again, she was planning on fully enjoying this honeymoon from hell with the man she loved.

For those of you who don’t know about the Chronicles on my website, and have always wondered how Darrin and Marybeth finally came together…

What Really Happened…

Part I

An R.L. Mathewson Chronicle

“This is fucking bullshit,” Jason said with a murderous glare towards the large man standing in the doorway of the restaurant they were trying to get into, who just happened to be glaring right back at Jason with his large muscular arms crossed over his chest, silently daring Jason to try and get past him.

Marybeth sighed heavily as she leaned back against her husband, pleased when Darrin wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, rewarding her with a kiss on the top of her head as he no doubt joined in the glaring game. “He’s never going to let us inside,” she pointed out for probably the third time that day since her husband and his cousins had announced that they were going to try to get into the Fire & Brimstone Pub tonight.

“Oh, I’ll get in there, guaranteed,” Trevor said tightly, shooting Lucifer a glare that only made the larger Bradford’s lips twitch with amusement as he gestured lazily for them to leave.

“Can’t we just go to Burger King?” Zoe asked with a slight wince and a definite pout as she placed her hand over the large swell of her stomach and leaned back against Trevor, who absently placed his hand over hers where Marybeth and Darrin’s babies were growing for them, as his eyes narrowed dangerously on Lucifer, a look of challenge that most Bradford boys mastered within hours of being born.

Lucifer simply ignored the challenge, shot them a wink and turned his back on them, returning to the busy restaurant that he owned and operated, leaving them there to fume as they were once again denied entrance into the best restaurant in town.

It was also the same one that every Bradford was automatically banned from since the day that Lucifer had opened the restaurant’s doors. Most of the family, while they weren’t happy about it, understood. The Fire & Brimstone was Lucifer’s dream and he’d worked his ass off to make it happen. None of them would ever do anything to jeopardize his dream, but that didn’t mean that they had to be happy about being denied entrance into what was supposedly the best restaurant in town.

They were Bradfords after all.

“Are you boys ready to call it a night yet?” Marybeth asked with a heavy sigh, because yeah, they’d done this before, spending hours that she would never get back sitting in this parking lot, waiting for an opportunity to get past Lucifer’s guard dogs and get their hands on what she’d heard several Bradfords refer to as, “The forbidden fruit,” several times over the years.

Personally, Marybeth just wanted to grab a burger, fries and a shake and go home so that they could finish putting the nursery together. Since that’s what she already knew they’d end up doing it in the end, she’d rather just call it a night and get it over with.

Unfortunately for her, her husband and his cousins were determined bastards, who had a hard time accepting a ban that in their minds, they hadn’t earned. They were determined to get in and every few weeks or so they worked themselves up, calling this ban an injustice, got together, drove over here, sat in the parking lot and glared at the restaurant until someone, usually her or one of the other Bradford wives, got pissed, stole their husband’s car keys, drove off and had a girl’s night out somewhere.

Since she’d already reached her limit with the whole glaring contest, she pulled away from Darrin, grabbed his keys, walked away from him and jumped in his truck. By the time that she shut her door and started the truck, the passenger door slammed shut and Haley and Zoe were buckling up, apparently having had more than enough for one night as well.

“Where to?” Marybeth asked as she put the truck in reverse.

“Anywhere that we can get a meatball pizza and a root beer float,” Zoe said with that wistful sigh that she usually got when she was pregnant and craving a snack and yes, sadly a large meatball pizza and a root beer float was considered a light snack for a woman carrying Bradfords, especially triplets.

“Pizza sounds good to me,” Haley said with a pleased smile that she couldn’t quite hold back as she added, “And maybe you’ll finally tell us the story behind how Darrin finally managed to snag you?”

Part II

“Okay, asshole, spill,” Jason snapped as soon the SUV pulled away, getting in his face with the other large bastard stepping up behind him.

Sighing heavily, not only because he had no fucking clue what they were talking about and not really caring, Darrin leaned back against the side of Trevor’s truck and asked, “What now?”

Trevor shouldered Jason out of the way and got in his face, trying to intimidate him, which was really just fucking sad. “Spill.”

Cocking a brow, he reached out and shoved the large bastard back and out of his space. “If you want to know something, just ask,” he said, really not in the mood for this today, not when he should be inside the Fire & Brimstone finding out what his brother had been hiding all these years.

Selfish bastard, he thought with a glare towards the restaurant that he was unjustly banned from. After all the shit he’d gone through over the years for Lucifer and this was how he repaid him? He could understand banning the rest of the assholes in their family, but he was Lucifer’s favorite brother and as such should be inside that restaurant getting fucking pampered right now.

“You better start talking before your wife does, because if I lose this bet I’m going to make your life a living hell,” Jason threatened, shouldering Trevor back out of the way so he could get in Darrin’s face.

“You already do,” Darrin reminded him as he shoved him back as well.

“It will be worse,” J

ason promised with a glare.

“Oh, so much worse,” Trevor added with the murderous glare that had him rolling his eyes and wondering what he’d done to deserve to be related to these annoying bastards.

“Not possible,” he said, wondering if Marybeth was going to grab him something to eat while she was out or if he was on his own.

“What really happened that night?” Jason asked just as Darrin pulled out his phone to text his wife.

“What night?” he asked absently, wondering if he should just