He ran his tongue over her clit and nearly came from the needy little moan that she made. He loved doing this to her, never wanted to stop, but he knew that she’d eventually realize what he was doing and kick his ass or he’d reach the end of his rope, move up her body, pray that she didn’t break his fucking nose, and finally slide inside of her, too damn weak to put it off any longer.

“Oh, God…..Oh, God….Oh, Dar-!” she began to scream his name when the unthinkable happened.

“I have an order of Blackjack’s Pizza!” some poor, soon-to-be-dead son of a bitch announced from their front door.


“Sir, that will be…Sir?” came the unsure response after a few seconds, which was promptly followed by a, “Oh, God! This is the wrong house! Please, don’t hurt me! It was a mistake!”

Marybeth had absolutely no idea what the delivery guy said or did after that to save his ass, because she had other things to worry about, like saving her own. Her cheeks burned even as her body felt numb, which she absently thought was odd, but at the moment she didn’t feel like sitting down with a cup of tea and contemplating those thoughts.

No, right now she was too busy shoving her legs into what she was assuming was her pants, but soon realized were Darrin’s shirt before saying the hell with it, throwing it on and thanking God the bastard was tall enough that his shirt fell past her knees. For about twenty seconds she stood there, wasting precious time, trying to figure out what just happened while her legs trembled and she licked her lips.

She should tear off his shirt, lay back down on the couch and spread her legs in welcome, but now that the moment had been broken and Darrin was currently making a grown man cry, she decided that it was time to retreat, hide, pretend that this never happened and hope for the best.

With that solid plan in mind, she dropped the rest of the clothing items that she’d been hugging against her chest, turned and ran. She didn’t care she pretty much ran face first into a wall, or that it had hurt like hell, she’d tripped, landed on her knee, bruised it along with her hands or even the fact that she tripped on the stairs, got a good case of rug burn on her hands, arms and knees. The only thing that she cared about was getting into her room, slamming the door shut behind her and pretending that none of this had ever happened and if Darrin was really her best friend, then he would also pretend like none of this had ever happened.

She heard some whimpering, a board breaking, some sobbing, but since it had nothing to do with her impending doom, she ignored it and continued towards her door. The second, the very second, that she was inside her room, the door was shut, locked and she was rushing across the room, deciding that the best way to pretend that none of this had happened was to jump in the bathtub, relax and pretend that she’d just spent the entire night there.

It was a solid plan.

It was an excellent plan and one that she knew any Bradford would fully support. She just hoped that this particular Bradford would figure out that she’d decided to pretend that nothing happened like the coward that she truly was and let it go like a good friend should.

She just needed them to both pretend that the one thing that they both wanted wasn’t possible.

Part IX

“Please don’t hurt me!”

“Would you fucking run already?” Darrin snapped, in absolutely no fucking mood to deal with this.

Not tonight.

Not after what just happened.

All he wanted was the little prick curled up in the fetal position in the small foyer to man the fuck up and get out of his house so that he could hunt down the little coward and force her to face what just happened between the two of them, but until the little prick left, he was helpless to do anything but stand there as she fled.

He’d come too far, taken it too far to let it go now. He’d crossed that line they’d both been toying with for years and if he didn’t go after her and make her face this thing between them now, he might never get another chance like this one again. He couldn’t let her hide, not again.

“Get the fuck out of here,” he said, grabbing the man cowering on the floor by the arm and shoved him out the front door, causing him to trip over the boxes of food that he’d tried to abandon in order to save his own ass.

“Please don’t hurt me,” the man whispered as he stumbled over the mess he’d made.

Rolling his eyes, because it was really fucking pathetic that the guy thought he would blow his chances with Marybeth over a fucking anchovy and onion pizza, Darrin slammed the door shut in his face with a disgusted shake of his head. Like that was really going to fucking happen.

Double checking that the lock was secured, he turned towards her bolted door and shook his head, sighing heavily, because she’d left him with absolutely no choice but to let this play out. She needed to make the next move, he decided as he turned and headed back into his apartment and prayed that she didn’t make him wait too long.

Part X

Yup, she was definitely a chicken, she decided as she double-checked the comforter, making sure that it was secure as she did her best to stay perfectly still, praying that if Darrin came into her room that he’d just dismiss the large mound in the middle of her bed and continue his search elsewhere.

Then again, she thought with an annoyed sigh as she shifted beneath the comforter, turning onto her side so that she could peek out beneath the comforter and glower at the alarm clock. Shouldn’t he be here by now with an awkward apology that she could pretend to sleep through so that tomorrow they could act like this never happened.

It was a wonderful plan, one that she fully planned on embracing once the big jerk came over here and gave her a half-mumbled apology with an added, “I was drunk,” when they both know that he’d been completely sober. The whole point of the apology was a way for them to awkwardly get through this without destroying their friendship. It wasn’t something that she was looking forward to, but for the sake of their friendship, she was fully planning on pretending to be asleep when he came in to apologize, make awkward small talk and then walk away so that they could move on and pretend that this never happened.