Page 45 of Got Me Feeling

I break the kiss and cup Locky's face in my hands. "I don't deserve you."

As good as it feels making out with Locky, it feels wrong to progress things without airing my biggest fear. This right here, these four little words, they're the real reason why I'm scared.

"Yes, you do." Locky takes both of my hands in his. "We're more than the mistakes we made in our pasts, Roman."

His voice is laced with something that makes me think his words apply equally to both of us. I hate how he feels ashamed of the things he did for his ex, but then, how is that any different from the guilt I'm holding on to for the bad choices I've made?

"You're right," I say around the lump in my throat. "The past is behind us."

"Exactly. It's done. Over. All we have is now. And a future." He threads his fingers with mine. "A futuretogether."

"I'd like that."

Locky smiles. "So would I. And I get it. It's hard letting go of stuff. But you have to. We both do. I deserve you, and you deserve me."

"So, what you're saying is, we both deserve each other?"

A laugh rumbles out of Locky. "Yes. But in a good way."

I smile back. "In a good way."



Talk of leaving the past in the past and focusing on the future is all well and good…until I’m sitting with Roman in a swanky office downtown, waiting for my meeting with a renowned divorce lawyer to begin, staring down the prospect of bitter, nasty divorce proceedings in my immediate future.

Makes the good kind of future we were talking about last night feel so far away.

"Don't be nervous." Roman reaches over and takes my hand in his. "You told me this Jocelyn chick is a ball-busting, take-no-prisoners bad-ass, remember?"

"Damn straight I am." Said ball-busting, take-no-prisoners bad-ass launches into her office. She's dressed in a bright red power suit and crazy high shiny black heels. She's strutting like she's walking down the runway, and yeah, she's intimidating all right.

She gives us each an impressively firm handshake. I glance over at Roman and can tell he's trying not to wince, either.

"Lachlan Healy," I say when she lets go, resisting the urge to shake my fingers out. "But you can call me Locky."

"Roman Turner, ma'am."

I turn to Roman, and he shrugs as if to sayshe's a ma'am kind of woman. Can't argue there.

"Take a seat," Jocelyn says, because she's also arise to your feet the second she steps into the room woman.

"I've had a look at your file, and we have a strong case," she begins.

"We do?"

She nods sharply. "There is ample evidence of equal contribution to mortgage repayments and other household expenses. The emails exchanged between you and the other party agreeing to transfer your funds to him and place the mortgage in his name will also bolster our argument for a fair, fifty-fifty split. There are no dependents involved in this case, which makes things neater, too. Not to mention more than sufficient evidence of extra marital relations."

"Okay. Okay. That's good." I take a gulp and look Jocelyn square in the eye. "What about the…other thing?"

Theillegally recording me and threatening to post it onlinething.

"Ah, yes. The other thing." Her eyes soften a little. "Mr. Chadforth's threats, should he act on them, are a Class 1 Misdemeanor."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that Virginia has laws that prohibit the unlawful dissemination of non-consensual porn where there is intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate victims."