"Thanks." Locky drops his head. "I feel like this is all my fault."
"How is this your fault?"
"Okay. Maybe not this particular thing, but stuff in general. I went along with so much stuff to please him, I ended up losing myself."
I don't know what to say to that, so I stay quiet.
"When I saw Bailey this morning, he wanted to go talk in the bakery, and I said no. Then I felt good for saying no. Proud of myself. Like, yay for me, I'm finally using my voice and finally saying what I want and don't want. Over a fucking bakery. It's pitiful."
"It's not pitiful," I growl, moving closer to him. Not wanting to invade his personal space too much, I place my hand on his leg. "You made progress. A small step, but a step in the right direction. Youshouldbe proud of yourself."
Locky looks down and smiles, bringing his hand over mine. "Thank you."
"What are you thanking me for?"
"For everything. For letting me stay here. For putting up with my mess."
"Not a mess." I raise a finger. "It's an aphrodisiac, remember?"
That draws a chuckle out of him. "And for being such a good friend to me when we don't really know each other."
"We're changing that. And just like with Joey, I have a feeling you and I are going to be good friends."
He laughs even though I'm full of shit. I'd love for us to bemorethan friends, but even I'm not stupid enough to think that'll ever happen. Locky's not ready, and even if he were, why would he go for a screwup like me? He deserves someone so much better, someone who actually has their life together.
He runs his fingertips over my hand that's resting on his leg, still smiling. "And thank you for last night."
I stick my chin out and smirk. "I was pretty fucking amazing, wasn't I?"
More laughter, and Jesus, I want to get my phone out and record the sound. Screw that. I want to keep making him laugh, over and over again. It's the best sound in the world. I will never get enough of it.
"Can't even deny it. You were."
Our eyes meet, and something passes between us. Something I can't find words for, but I can feel all the way down to my bones.
"It's an open invitation," I tell him, clearing my throat. "Whenever you feel like sex, think of me like that Shakira song.Whenever. Wherever."
He laughs then groans. "Oh, dear. That's a terribly dated reference."
He's right, but do I care?
Not one bit.
Because I just made Locky laugh again.
* * *
I step out of the shelter's admin office and take a sharp left. Bishop's inside, working on a Saturday so I'm helping him out, and Locky's at home. I don't want either one of them to overhear this conversation. If Locky's scumbag ex wants to play dirty, then two can play that game.
"Whatever it takes," I mutter to my contact on the other end of the line. He's getting closer to finding proof of the shit Bailey's been doing, but he hasn't managed to produce anything concrete, anything submissible in court.
He outlines a few options, all of them viable, so I give him the go-ahead to do whatever it takes by any means necessary and hang up. When I swing around, Bishop's there, arms folded, eyeing me suspiciously.
"Everything okay?" he asks as I walk up to him.
"Yeah, fine. Why?"
"Didn't catch what you were saying but it seemed…full on."