Page 23 of Got Me Feeling

The sounds of deep, rumbling laughter stop me from finishing that sentence.

"Oh, Locky. Cute that you think I'd let you get away with that," he says when he composes himself. "I was planning on offering to be your wingman, should you decide to put yourself back out there. But I'm officially rescinding that offer. I've got something better in mind."

I lift a brow. "Yeah?"

"How about I be your wingman…with benefits?"

I frown. "What the hell's a wingman with benefits?"


What the fuckisa wingman with benefits?

Beats me. I just made it up on the spot.

But I can't tell him that. Need some time to think.

"Here." I scoop Joey up and pass him over to Locky. "Meet Joey. We're best friends, but he doesn't know it yet."

The stalling tactic works. Locky temporarily loses interest in our conversation as he lifts his hand to inspect Joey more closely. In a sign of loyalty to me, Joey appears very unimpressed with the incredibly attractive Aussie currently scrunching his nose and baby talking to him in an incredibly attractive Aussie accent.

Joey and Iwillbe besties one day. Mark my words.

Okay. Back to the more pressing matter. What the hell am I offering Locky?

A wingman with benefits?

What. The. Fuck?

Now I'm just making words up.

It's better than being a wingman, sure, because I can't think of a more hellier hell than helping Locky score with other dudes.

So maybe if we just scrap the wingman part and focus on the benefits…

Locky's light blue eyes flick up to me. "What are you smiling about?"

Oh, nothing.Just me being an Einstein-level genius. Can't say that out loud, either.

"Just like seeing two of my favorite guys together."

Locky gently returns Joey to the enclosure and turns to me with a smile. "I'm one of your favorite guys?"

"You're heading that way. Might need you to make more of a mess in the kitchen or leave some wet towels on the bathroom floor to really seal the deal."

His light blue eyes sparkle with amusement. "Told ya it works."

"Youwork." I latch onto his wrists. "I like you. And if you don't like the thought of starting over with anyone, or fucking some dude you don't know, don't. Use me instead."


"Don't mean it in a bad way. I'm offering. And willing."Soooofucking willing.

His expression changes from playful to something more serious. His eyes drill into me. "You're not messing around, are you? You really mean this?"

"I do."

He studies me. "Just to be clear, we're talking about sex, right?"