Page 19 of Got Me Feeling

Jeremy grins. "You c-c-can. I'll s-sit b-b-ack and w-watch-ch."

"Sit back and watch what? What's going on, guys?"

I dig into my cinnamon roll while I wait for Monty to find his words. "Well, I don't quite know how to put this delicately—"

"No need to be delicate," I say around a mouthful of exquisite baked goodness. "Just spit it out."

Monty looks aghast that I'm talking with my mouth full, but quickly recovers and says, "I believe the term kids these days use is…eye fucking."

I almost choke. "Huh?"

Jeremy cackles away as Monty explains. "Every single time you and Roman have been in the same room, he, well, eye fucks you. I've never seen anything quite like it. Have you?" he asks, looking Jeremy's way.

Jeremy thinks about it. "Nope."

Okay. So, this isn't new information to me. I'd noticed Roman checking me out on multiple occasions. But I had no idea other people had picked up on it, too.

"I think the fellow may have feelings for you," Monty says.

"He d-d-did ask-k you to m-move in w-w-with him."

I'm about to say he was helping me out, but stop myself. I haven't told the guys about Bailey changing the locks because I'm too damn embarrassed. I've never had my life fall to shit like this before, and it's not a nice thing to go through. I know no one would judge me for it, but I just feel…ashamed, I guess.

"So what should I do about Roman?" I ask them. "What's the best way to handle this?"

They exchange a knowing smile. Monty tips his head toward Jeremy, as if to say,You be the one to tell him.

"Th-there's-s-s only on-ne thing to d-do. You have t-t-to talk to Rom-m-man."

* * *

I give it a good two, maybe three, minutes before racing to the back door. I pry the curtain back and peer through the glass. The sun is fading but hasn't quite set yet, so the sky is bathed in a pretty orange.

But nope. No sign of him out there.

Roman snuck out a few minutes ago, and this time, I'm determined to catch him smoking. It’s bad enough that he wants to poison himself, but why is he hiding it?

There's also a chance he isn't smoking, and if that's the case, I want to find out what is getting him out of the house every few hours. It's been driving me mad.

Then there's also the small matter of last night's kiss we need to address.

Jeremy was right. Roman and I need to talk about it.

Beforespeaking with him and Monty this morning, I thought it had been just a kiss.

An incredible, body-tingling, toe-curling, definitely top five—possibly top three—kiss.

Okay. It was the best kiss I've ever had in my entire life. No other kiss in my life comes close to it.

Not my first kiss with Garrett Collins on a sweaty, summer day in the science lab after school in grade ten.

Not drunkenly making out with a super-hot German dude my mates dared me to pash on a boys' trip to Bali.

Not even my wedding kiss with Bailey, which obviously had to be somewhat chaste and measured. But not even then, at what was supposed to be the pinnacle of romantic moments, did I feel sowanted.

Kissing Roman felt like he would tear down the fucking Amazon jungle with his bare hands just to get to me. I felt like a prized possession. It was intense. A little scary…and I really fucking liked it.

Butafterspeaking with Jeremy and Monty, and them both saying they've suspected for months that Roman might have a thing for me, it changes everything. And it makes me view the kiss in a whole new light.