Page 17 of Got Me Feeling

Talk about a lose-lose situation.

Everyone's looking at me, so I muster a smile and say, "Yeah. Whatever you need, Locky."

Locky stares at me for a moment, an unreadable expression crossing his face before he blinks it away. "Thanks, mate."

We call it a night not long after that. Some of the guys have to work tomorrow, even though it's a Saturday.

It's a hugging tsunami when we reach the doorway because boy, do these guys like a good, proper bear hug. Fifteen minutes later—I'm exaggerating…slightly—everyone is all hugged out and in their cars. Locky and I stand shoulder to shoulder on the porch, waving them off. We wait until the last car is out of sight before heading back inside.

"I'll clean the kitchen," Locky says before I'm able to offer. He lets out a yawn. Then hiccups. "First thing in the morning."

"Cool." I smile. I'll get up earlier and beat him to it.

We reach the hallway that leads to our rooms. I wave my hand in front of myself. "After you."

"No, no." Locky blinks and smiles, his head swaying slightly. "After you."

"I insist."

His lips stretch out even more. "I resist your insistence and must persist in… Fuck. Don't know how to end that."

He's a little tipsy.

I chuckle and let him have this one. "Fine. I'll go first."

"Good. Gimme a chance to check out that fine ass of yours." He claps his hand over his mouth. "Did I just say or think that?"

"Say what?" I play dumb.

"Oh, thank fuck." He sags against the wall, then straightens. "I mean, nothing."

Still chuckling, I make my way down the hall. I can hear Locky's footsteps following close behind me. So close, I can feel his warm breath against my neck. So close, that if I came to a sudden stop—

Locky crashes into me when I do just that.

I turn around slowly.

He hasn't moved back. There's barely a few inches between us, the walls so close to our shoulders it makes the space feel even more confined and the air around us heavy.

Teeming with something.

But what?

Is it because he's a little buzzed?

But then…I feel it, too, and I stuck to water and lemonade all night.

Maybe it's all that sex talk from earlier still lingering in our minds?

Locky's eyes glimmer, then slowly, with great care, as if he's really thinking about what he's doing, he reaches out and cups my cheek into his palm. It doesn't feel like a move fueled by alcohol or inspired by the remnants of a sex conversation.

It feels real.


A thunderingthomp-thomp,thomp-thompbeats loudly in my ears.

Holding my face, Locky blinks. Then blinks a few more times. Finally, he leans forward, his eyes fluttering shut as he presses his mouth to mine.