Page 74 of Until Now

It’s not like we’re together, but we’re friends. Maybe even closer than that. Doesn’t he want to hang out with me? I’m annoyed that Cassie’s going but I haven’t even been invited. Is that what she wants? Despite her being seemingly okay with Archer and I having sex, does she still have feelings for him? Does she not want me to come so she can be alone with him? Maybe she’ll seduce him.

‘What should I say?!’ Cassie groans.

‘Why don’t you just invite him to Chapter One?’ Demi suggests. ‘Kill two birds with one brick?’

‘Kill two birds with onestone,’ Cassie corrects, but she sighs and types a message.

Just then my phonepings.

I expect Kai, but to my surprise, it’s Archer.

Archer:where r u

Me:just in town with my dad

Archer:why didn’t you tell me, are you drinking

Me:around the supermarket?

Archer:where r u??????

My heart starts to pound.

Me:I’m waiting with Cassie and your sister for my dad to finish up in the chemist, then I’ll be helping him shop

Archer:so you’re not with your dad

Me:I will be in, like, 5 mins

Archer:so you lied to me

Me:cba talking if you’re gonna be like this

He leaves me on read. I start to wonder if I’ve done something wrong to upset him, or if Ishouldhave told him I was shopping with my dad. Did I lie to him just now? Am I in the wrong?

My leg bounces.

Me:I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.

Archer:I had something planned for ustonight

Me:I can come by in like an hour?? I have work later though

Archer:doesn’t matter now, enjoy your shopping

My palms clam. What if he never speaks to me again? What if he actually believes I’m out drinking? What if he goes out himself just to get back at me?

Insecurities fester and cloud my mind. I’m quiet and distracted as I shop, and it’s not until we’re in the taxi that my guilt for ignoring my dad chokes me. He seemed excited about something, but I just gave him one word replies.

I vow to ask him about it when we get home.


I’m distracted at work. My smile feels forced, and I know it doesn’t reach my eyes. I can’t even find the mental capacity to promote the Jaffa Cakes and Dairy Milk bars by the till, and when my line manager approaches me with an expression like hellfire, I think I’m about to get admonished for my lack of promotional offers on the stupid snacks.

The last time she shouted at me, I’d spent an extra two minutes in the bathroom for my break because I had a meltdown over my mum’s affair, but I hadn’t told Lucy any of that. She didn’t care when I told her I was on my period, even though I wasn’t.

‘Archer Tobert,’ Lucy says by way of greeting. She slaps a hand against the counter. She always breathes heavily, but I can’t tell if she’s just unfit or if she’s persistently angry.