Page 22 of Until Now

I nod before I realise he can’t see me. ‘Yeah.’

He stands slowly. ‘Can you stop pulling my hair?’

‘Sorry,’ I say around a laugh. ‘I’m just collecting a couple strands for my voodoo doll concoction.’

As soon as I say it, I feel stupid, but he chuckles quietly.

‘What else do you need? My shirt and pants? Because I can give you them right now.’

I’m glad he can’t see my face burn.

He’s so tall my head nearly smacks into a branch as he makes his way to the tree. He passes me the bughouse and I hook the thread onto a jut in the trunk.

But I can’t get down.

He tries to bend back into a crouch, but I gasp and grapple at him.

‘That’s my eye,’ he growls.

‘I’ll fall!’

‘You won’t.’ But I hear the smile in his voice.

‘Put me down another way.’

‘Lethal injection or bullet?’

‘You’re infuriating.’

His shoulders shake with laughter. He bends again.

‘Chase! Stop!’

He sighs. ‘Fine.’

‘What are you doing?’

He walks to another tree and backs into it. ‘Get on the tree.’


‘Just trust me.’

I scowl, but I oblige.

He turns and looks up at me. And then he holds out his hands. ‘Jump.’

My eyes widen. ‘Are youinsane?’

He purses his lips as if to keep from grinning. ‘If you need some time to dwell on it, I can come back at lunch to get you, if you want.’

‘You’ll drop me.’

‘Did I drop you before?’ He wriggles his fingers. ‘Jump, Frankie. I’ll catch you.’

How many times have I fantasised about him saying that?

I take a deep breath—and I jump.