Page 144 of Until Now

‘I’m not doing this with you,’ Chase cuts in. ‘Not here.’

‘Ooooooh.’ Another grin, but this one doesn’t reach his eyes. His gaze lands on me then, and I freeze in the grip of his stare. I know what that look means. ‘Come on. We’re going.’ He turns and walks towards his car.

I make to go after him, but a gentle hand on my wrist stops me.

‘Don’t get in that car with him,’ Chase says, his eyes on Archer’s retreating figure. ‘I don’t want to cause a fight, but I’ll drag you to my car if you get in that shitbox with him when he’s in that state.’

‘It’s okay. I’ll drive.’

He glances down at me. His hand is still on my wrist. He opens his mouth and then closes it. ‘I don’t care what time it is,’ he says quietly. ‘If he hurts you, call me, and I’ll come to you.’

I don’t say goodbye to him. I don’t want to make myself believe I’ll never see him again. I’ve lost him once before, and I can’t go through that again. He’s staying at his old house for a few more weeks, so I could always pop in and say hi. But, given my feelings for him, it seems like it’d be a betrayal to Archer. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if Archer deliberately went to visit a girl he fancied. I’d be beside myself with suspicion.

I’m surprised I don’t crash on the drive home. Archer’s hand roams up my leg, rubbing between them, but his touch is rough and forceful, and if anything, it just makes my underwear dig into me. Not to mention I’m definitely not in the mood.

I’ve just buried my dad, and the only thing he wants to do is get off. Words build up inside of me, but I can’t voice them. Not right now, when he’s like this. I won’t get anywhere.

He stumbles up the last two steps of the apartment building, so I roll my eyes and drag him towards the lift. It’s the first time I’ve used it since my panic attack, but I know I won’t be able to get him up the stairs. And I don’t want to see Jodie.

When we get into the apartment, I flick on the lights as Archer staggers towards the kitchen and pours himself a whiskey, although most of it splashes on the counter. He knocks it back before pouring another glass.

I step out of my boots and pad towards the bedroom, already unstrapping my bra. I wince as my heavy breasts are freed, and even the material of my shirt rubbing against my nipples sends shivers through me—

‘Where are you going?’ Archer calls after me. ‘We’re going out.’

‘I’m not.’

‘My parents invited us out for tea.’

I throw my bra onto the bed and tip my head to the ceiling. ‘Why didn’t you tell me in the car? I would’ve gone straight there.’

He leans against the doorway of the bedroom, elbow and hip, and looks at me over the rim of his tumbler as he takes a sip. ‘I need to change. So do you.’

I glance down at my skirt and blouse.

‘You can’t wear that to the Grosvenor.’

‘Well, I can’t be arsed dressing up, especially for your parents.’

He doesn’t say anything for a moment; he just watches me as I amble around the room, drawing my blouse over my head, putting my phone on charge, brushing the knots from my hair. ‘Did you fuck him?’ he says at last.

The brush in my hair goes still. ‘Who?’

‘Chase. Did you fuck him when we first got together?’

‘Why would you even think that?’ But my voice quivers, betraying me. I can’t tell him about what Chase and I did in my room.

Archer pushes off the doorframe and walks towards me, setting his drink on the chest of drawers. ‘I’ve seen the way you look at him, love, and I’ve seen the way he looks at you. You practically eye-fuck each other.’ He stops before me, and I flinch as he cups my cheek. ‘Do you love him?’

‘Don’t be stupid,’ I say, but his fingers trail down my cheek to clamp my throat. Gently, but there’s warning in the gesture.

‘I was watching you today. I saw you hug him. I saw the look on your face. Love is the one thing we can’t suppress, and if we try, it’ll keep coming back.’ His nostrils flare. ‘We used to joke about it, you know. In school. About you creaming your panties for Chase.’

I blink, and he smiles. ‘A guy can tell when a girl wants him.’

‘We just kissed in the meadow,’ I whisper. ‘You know that—‘

His fingers tighten. ‘But there’smore. I know there is. Don’t take me for a mug. Something happened between you, didn’t it? Tell me.’