“Then who the hell was it?” he demanded, but Jason was too busy starring at the small bakery down the hall to answer him so he shifted his glare onto the other bastard.

“Wasn’t me,” Trevor said, following Jason’s gaze and licking his lips hungrily as his eyes locked on the sight of extra large muffins and donuts.

“Then who was it?” Danny snapped, struggling not to follow their gaze.

“It was me,” his father admitted as he joined them, carrying a large white bag from McDonald’s as he devoured what looked like an egg sandwich, making Danny’s stomach growl, demanding that he wrestle the bag away from his father and see what other delicious morsels were in that bag.

“What did you do to her?” he demanded, struggling not to lick his lips and make a mad grab for that bag. It didn’t matter that he was in a wheelchair or that his father was out of reach, he wanted that bag, had to have it.

“I gave her a sedative,” his father announced with a careless shrug, making everything inside him go still as he slowly, ever so slowly, looked down at the woman sleeping in his arms and swallowed hard, wondering how long he had before everything went to hell.

“How long ago did you give it to her?” he somehow managed to get out as his heart sped up in terror at the thought of this beautiful woman terrorizing everyone on the plane, because his father had foolishly decided to drug her.

He couldn’t imagine what his father had been thinking when he gave her medication. God, they’d be lucky if she didn’t try opening the emergency door and make a jump for it, simply because she had a craving for a double chocolate donut. There was no way that this was going to end without them landing on the “No Fly List.”

“Don’t worry,” his father said with a shrug as he reached into the bag and pulled out two wrapped sandwiches and handed them to him, “she’ll be out for the entire trip.”

Shaking his head, he took the sandwiches, placed one on top of the large swell of Jodi’s stomach before shoving the wrapper down on the sandwich in his hands and took a big bite, not really tasting it as his mind raced with thoughts of everything that could, and probably would, go wrong.

This definitely wasn’t going to end well, he thought absently with a groan of pleasure when he realized that his father had given him an egg and bacon sandwich. After five months of hospital food, this was like devouring a perfectly cooked steak with all the sides. When Jason licked his lips and reached for his other sandwich, Danny shot his asshole cousin a glare that said it all.

Danny would kill the bastard if he touched his Egg McMuffin sandwich.

“No,” his father simply said, earning a glare from Jason, who reluctantly dropped his hand and took a step back.

“Selfish bastard,” Jason mumbled as he returned his attention to the bakery. When he saw Trevor heading in that direction, his eyes narrowed to slits and he would swear to his dying day that the asshole actually growled.

“Why the hell would you give her medication?” Danny asked his father as he devoured the first sandwich and moved onto the second.

“It will be fine. Trust me,” his father said, sounding smug as he bit into another sandwich.

“Why would you give her medication when we’re about to go on a plane? You just fucked us all over!” he snapped at his father as he finished his sandwich in one bite. Keeping his arm locked around Jodi so that she didn’t fall off his lap, he held out his hand in silent demand.

When his father shook his head and grabbed another sandwich, Danny did what he had to do. “I’ll tell mom,” he threatened, earning a look of disgust from his father even as he reluctantly handed over the last two sandwiches.

Narrowing his eyes on his father, he gestured with the sandwiches in his hand to the large bag in his father’s hand. “What’s in the bag?”

His father’s eyes narrowed dangerously on him as he said, “Nothing.”

“He’s lying. I can smell hash browns, pancakes, bacon, maple syrup, eggs and orange juice,” Jason said accusingly even as he licked his lips and reached for the-

“My bag!” his father snapped, hugging the bag to his chest as he took a step back.

“Really?” Danny asked casually as he tossed his cousin one of the sandwiches and bit into the other one as he considered his father.

“Yes!” his father hissed as he hugged the bag tightly against his chest as he shifted his terrified gaze between Danny and Jason.

“I’m not sure mom would feel that way,” Danny said with a shrug as he shoved the last bite in his mouth.

“You know what?” Jason asked no one in particular as he pulled out his phone. “Maybe we should call her to see what she thinks?”

His father’s horrified gasp startled everyone around them, but Danny didn’t care, not after his father had given Tink medication, guaranteeing them a flight that they would never forget.

Chapter 2

“See?” his father said smugly from the seat across the aisle from him. “I told you that there was nothing to worry about.”

“It’s still early,” Danny pointed out absently while he placed his hand on Jodi’s belly and gently rubbed circles over where their baby boys were moving, wondering when she was going to wake up and if the pilot was going to have to make an emergency landing.

“She’s fine,” his father said, gesturing to the flight attendant for a drink.

“We’ll see,” he mumbled as he shifted his gaze back to the door where passengers were still filing through, trying to decide if it was safer to get her off the plane and into a hotel room where he could keep her locked up for the next ten terrifying hours of if he should just give her a few minutes to wake up and get them all thrown off the plane before it had a chance to take off.

Twenty minutes later he was still surprised that she hadn’t opened her eyes, but by the time the plane landed in Las Vegas he was absolutely terrified, because she was still out cold.


Las Vegas, Nevada

“I’m going to need to know what you gave her, sir,” the head of airport security demand, looking seriously pissed, but not as pissed as Danny was at that moment.

“Get the fuck out of my way!” Danny snapped, seconds away from ramming his wheelchair into the dumb fuck trying to keep him away from Jodi.

“Sir, I need you to calm down,” the security officer said, but Danny was done listening.

He locked the brakes on his wheelchair, grabbed hold of the arms and pushed himself up, determined to get to her, but before he could move his legs that felt like dead weight, his cousins were next to him, shoving him back in his chair. Before he could yell at them, Trevor was stepping behind his wheelchair and pushing him towards the stretcher where Jodi was curled up on her side, still passed out. When the officer didn’t get out of the way, Jason got in his face, glaring down at him and giving him no other choice but to arrest Jason or to back off.

He backed off.

As soon as Danny was close to her, he was reaching out and cupping her face in his trembling hands, terrified that he was going to lose her and their babies. She hadn’t woken up, not once in the last eight hours and he was out of his mind with worry. She should have woken up by now, caused a scene that required him to hold her on his lap, but instead she’d just sat there on the plane, resting her head against his shoulder as she slept.

“I’m only going to ask you one more time, sir. What did you give her?” the officer demanded as the EMTs pulled an oxygen tank out of one of the large green bags they’d carried into the security room and began preparing a face mask.

“And I’m going to tell you for the last fucking time,” his father snapped, gesturing towards Jodi, “I only gave her baby aspirin!”

“She wouldn’t be out this long over baby aspirin, sir,” one of the officers pointed out, which only pissed his father off.

“That’s Doctor to you, asshole,” Jason said, stepping up to Ethan’s side while Danny sat there, trying not to panic, but it was damn near impossible.