He needed her.


He wanted to bend her over the table and fuck her there until she begged him to fuck her harder and harder and he would. There would be nothing on this earth from taking her to the floor, placing her on her hands and knees and fucking her there, too. Then he wanted to press her against the wall and fuck her there until his body couldn’t take anymore and his balls threaten to explode, but he couldn’t do any of that, he realized.

Because he was still stuck in this fucking wheelchair without a way to show her how badly he wanted her, how badly he needed her and God, did that fucking sting. Until this moment, he hadn’t realized that he might very well have to face a lifetime of lying on the bed, praying that his wife would take pity on him and climb on top of him and give him a mercy fuck.

That was unfucking acceptable, he screamed at himself, snarling against her wet pussy as he pushed his tongue deeper inside her, fucking her with everything that he had and showing her that he was still a man, he was still her man and he would do whatever it took to make sure that she never forgot it.


“Bed,” was all she could manage to say as she struggled to catch her breath.

He shook his head stubbornly as he turned his head more to the left, slid his tongue back inside her and prepared to drive her over the edge with another orgasm, but she wanted more. She wanted him.

Taking a deep breath, she said, “Bed,” not caring that she could barely make out what she was saying or that she was light headed from screaming his name. All that mattered right now was feeling him inside her and as much as she loved his tongue, it wasn’t what she really needed.

“Busy,” he growled against her pussy, the vibrations teasing her clit and threatening to send her over the edge again, but she was determined.

“Bed,” she breathed, pushing him back so that she could carefully climb off the table and straddle his lap where his large erection was standing erect with an angry red tint, looking as though it had been years since the last time it had found release instead of minutes.

Unwilling to waste something that she craved more than her next breath, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, leaned down and kissed him and shifted until that firm cock between his legs was teasing her slit and threatening to send them both over the edge.

“Mmmm,” he groaned as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Bed,” she stressed tightly, wondering why they were still in the kitchen and wasn’t fucking her.

He shook his head as he gripped her ass and used his hold to rock her wet pussy against him, driving her out of her damn mind and making it more difficult to stay determined and make him take her to bed. She wanted him in a bed where she could lay back, spread her legs and scream his name as he fucked her, showing her just how much he loved and missed her.

She needed this, needed him and she-

Gasped as he shifted her on top of him, teasing her clit one second with the tip of his engorged cock and the next he was sliding inside her. The air caught in her throat as she felt him stretching her, sliding deeper inside her and making it impossible to ignore just how good he felt and how badly she’d missed this. Before she could come back to her senses, she was riding him, moving up and down, feeling his cock slide in and out of her as she leaned down and kissed him, savoring the flavor of herself on his lips as he reached up and palmed her breast.

“That’s it, baby,” he groaned approvingly as he shifted, giving her better access to his cock and making her want to scream in pleasure as he slid inside her at just the right angle.

“Oh, God, Danny,” she moaned, whimpering in pleasure as she tightened her hold around him, shifted her legs and rode him harder.

“That’s it, Tink. Take what you need, baby,” he growled as he gripped her ass and helped guide her, moving her harder and faster on his cock.

“Please, Danny! Please!” she cried against his lips, not really knowing what she was asking for or what she needed, but knowing without a doubt that he would give her absolutely everything that she needed.

There was a loud, pained groan as she slammed down hard on his cock and then there was…nothing.

One second she was riding him, on the verge of one of the most powerful orgasms that she’d ever experienced and the next she found herself lying across the kitchen table with her legs spread, her breaths heaving in and out of her chest and her sheath practically screaming in misery at the loss of Danny.

Licking her lips, she struggled to form a coherent sentence, to beg him to come back to her, to fuck her, to take the pain away, to do anything to take this misery away, but before she could say anything, not that it was actually physically possible, Danny was setting the locks on his wheelchair, grabbing hold of the table and pushing himself to his feet.

“Danny, no!” she said, the orgasm that threatened to bring her to her knees instantly forgotten as she watched her husband grip the kitchen table, take a deep breath and reach over her so that he could grab the edge of the kitchen table and pull his body over hers.

His response was a groan as his cock slid right back inside her. He didn’t waste any time explaining what he was doing or trying to reassure her that everything was okay. Instead he used his hold on the edge of the table and began fucking her in a way that had her gasping for breath and her arms wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he slid inside her.

“Tink,” he groaned as he shoved his cock in further inside her, making them both moan with pleasure as the new move sent his cock sliding inside her at a different angle.

“Love you, Jodi,” he said, shifting his hands so that were pressed flat against the table and he was raising himself above her, fucking her with shallow thrusts that drove her out of her mind as she looked up and locked eyes with the man that she loved.

“I love you, Danny,” she whispered, gasping for her next breath as she continued to roll his cock inside her, making it harder and harder for her to hold back as he fucked her, careful of her swelling stomach.

“Love you so damn much, Tink,” he said, smiling as he leaned down and kissed her, taking her pleasure to a new level and triggering an orgasm that made it impossible for her to catch her next breath, but somehow allowed her to scream his name until her voice was hoarse and she didn’t think she’d ever be able to talk again.

Danny groaned loudly as his back bowed and his cock swelled inside her, sending her over again and this time guaranteeing that it would be quite sometime before she was able to talk again, but she didn’t care, not as long as she had Danny in her arms.

With a groan and a small grunt of pleasure, he lowered himself on top of her as he tried to catch his breath. He kissed her forehead, her nose, her chin and then finally her lips as she sighed with pleasure, which incidentally ended once she realized that the large bastard lying on top of her was laughing.

Glaring up him, because she was pretty sure that she’d lost the power of speech, she waited for the bastard to stop laughing, but instead he shook his head as he continued to chuckle and admitted, “I have no fucking clue how I’m going to get off this table.”

As his words sank in a snort of laughter escaped her until she found herself pressing her lips against his and laughing with him.

That is until Duncan came in the kitchen carrying grocery bags and spotted them.

“This definitely wasn’t in the fucking job description,” Duncan grumbled with a long-suffering sigh as he dropped a bag of groceries on the kitchen island and strolled out of the kitchen, shaking hi

s head in disgust while they laid there, unable to stop laughing, because this was definitely going be an interesting experience living with two Bradfords, she kissed him again, vaguely wondering what it was going to take to get Duncan to come back in here and help them off this table.

Coming in November 2015

Darrin and Marybeth’s Honeymoon…