lips hungrily as she started laying the strips of bacon one by one on the cool cookie sheet.

“And this curse of yours?” she asked, prompting him to begin his story if he wanted even a single morsel of the delicious meal that she was about to make.

“Started a few hundred years back,” he said absently, liking his lips as he reached for a handful of blueberries only to end up pulling his hand back with a glare when she tapped it with the back of her spatula and shook her head.

“Keep going,” she said, letting him know that he wasn’t getting anything until she had all of her answers.

Even if they terrified her, which it probably would since she was dealing with a Bradford.

Sighing heavily, he pulled his hand back and let it drop on his lap even as his eyes narrowed on her, watching her every move as she continued to whip together the pancake batter and grab more food to make a late night feast.

“My great-great grandparents broke tradition and got married, left England and came to America to start our family,” he said with a shrug as he reached for a banana and because he’d piqued her interest, she allowed him the sweet treat.

“What makes their story so special?” she asked, grabbing a few potatoes and deciding that some home fries would be a nice touch to this meal.

“They hated each other,” he admitted with a shrug as he peeled his banana and devoured it in one bite.

“And that made their story special?” she asked as the historian in her reminded her that falling in love wasn’t normally a requirement for marriage back then. Most people married for land, end family rivalries and to form loyalties.

“They’d hated each other since they were children, tormenting each other and made their lives a living hell until they’d finally had enough and refused to have anything to do with each other. Years later they’d stumbled upon each other at a dinner party and one thing led to another and…”

“She became pregnant,” she guessed with a nod, already figuring out how two people who hated each other could end up getting married. It was the same reason that a lot of couples married today, to give their child security and the protection of a name.

“Yes, she did,” Danny agreed quietly before he added, “And that’s when the first Bradford tradition started.”

“Which is?”

“Forced elopement,” he said with a shrug like it was no big deal, but before she could open her mouth and comment, and God, did she want to comment, he explained.

“A Bradford has to be out of his fucking mind to get married,” he said, pausing to yawn just long enough for her to stop what she was doing to glare at the son of a bitch as the insult slowly sank in, but before she could get good and mad and throw the bowl of batter at his head, he continued explaining, which in the end, probably saved his life.

“If a Bradford isn’t out of his mind in love with a woman and willing to do anything and everything to make her his, including kidnap, extortion, blackmail and risk life in prison, then he wasn’t ready to get married and the marriage is doomed,” he explained with a small shrug as he reached for another banana.

“And you couldn’t have just asked me to marry you or mention it in passing at some point?” she asked sarcastically as she reached for the sugar.

He looked thoughtful as he began to peel the banana until finally he shook his head and took a bite. “No.”

“Not even a little warning?” she asked, thinking that it would have at least been nice to know that they were getting married, which would have made the whole kidnapping thing unnecessary.

“No,” he said, with a shake of his head as he finished off the banana, “not even a little warning.”

“Because…,” she said leadingly, trying to understand Bradford logic and terrified that she was starting to understand it.

“If I was thinking clearly enough to ask you, then I wouldn’t have been ready.”

“What if I had said no?” she asked, even though she never would have said no to him. She loved him so much and couldn’t wait to spend the rest of their lives together, raising a family and waking up in his arms every morning.

He shrugged. “That wouldn’t have stopped me.”

“I see,” she murmured, because sadly she was afraid that she really was starting to understand.

“It’s the same way with the honeymoon,” he added, making her blink because she was pretty sure that there was no way that they could have called the trip they’d just gone a honeymoon. A horrible nightmare? Yes, but there was no way that anyone could have mistaken the trip with his father and two cousins as a honeymoon, especially since he’d barely touched her.

Besides, you have to consummate a marriage before you could go on a honeymoon and they definitely hadn’t done anything, she absently thought as she let her hungry gaze run over him.

It had been so long since she’d run her hands over him, tracing his muscles with her fingertips and her tongue. Her breath caught as she remembered how good it felt when he slid inside her, stretching her, filling her and making every nerve ending in her body come alive with pleasure.

She’d never felt anything so good as Danny’s body sliding inside her…

And now that he was finally hers, she didn’t want to wait any longer.

Chapter 13

Licking his lips, he absently shoved another piece of under ripped banana in his mouth, uncaring about the tart taste or too firm texture as his mouth watered for the large hard nipples pushing against his wife’s tee shirt.

He’d missed her over the past few months, missed touching her, holding her, running his tongue over every square inch of her body as he slowly sank inside the wettest, tightest hold he’d ever experienced. Every fucking day he thought about it, thought about how it felt to have her wet pussy welcoming him inside and doing everything in its power to keep him there.

There were times that he thought he’d die if he didn’t feel her body wrapping around his cock again. Some nights he’d wake up to find his hand wrapped around his cock, stroking it as he thought about how tight or wet and welcoming her pussy would be for him and Christ, he knew it would be fucking soaking wet. He thought about how it would feel to have her lips wrap around his cock, the way her tongue would tease the underside of his cock, caress his balls, how-

“Oh, fuck yes,” he groaned as imagination suddenly came to life.

He had no idea when she stopped cooking, or when she’d walked around the kitchen island, dropped to her knees and freed his cock, but he knew the instant that her warm lips wrapped around the tip of his cock and gently sucked. It was so good, so fucking good, he thought, closing his eyes as his head dropped back and a groan of pleasure as he focused on the feel of her mouth sliding up and down his cock, something that he’d fantasized about for the past few months and now that it was happening he couldn’t believe how fucking good it really was.

It was too fucking good…

“Tink, baby,” he said, gasping as pleasure soared through the tip of his cock. “You’ve gotta stop. Baby, you’ve gotta stop,” he said even as his hands tightened around the arms of his wheelchair and prayed to God that she would never stop sucking on his cock, because he was pretty fucking sure that he would die if she did.

At that moment he would have happily sold his soul if she continued and thank fucking god that she did. Within seconds every muscle in his body had tightened painfully, his back bowed and he shouting her name as she sucked every last drop of pleasure from his body. She was still licking and sucking his over sensitized cock when he reached for her.

He had her sitting on the edge of the table and was practically tearing her pants off as she lifted her beautiful ass to help him. When he reached for her baby pink panties he stopped playing around. He grabbed the waste of her panties and ripped them clean from her body, exposing the needy little pussy that he’d been fantasizing for months now.

When she leaned back and spread her legs, he didn’t hesitate. He buried his face between her

legs and slid his tongue up her core, fucking her hard with his tongue as he savored the flavor coating his tongue. Christ, he couldn’t get enough of her, he thought as he shifted his head at a different angle, needing to slide his tongue in deeper.

“Oh, God,” Jodi moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair, encouraging him to continue while he prayed that she never stopped rocking her pussy against his tongue, taking what she wanted and making his cock harden painfully again.