Page 48 of It Was Always You

He adjusts his position, gripping my thighs and pulling me a little bit further so I lose the pathetic grasp my fingertips had on the banister, forcing me to rest my entire weight on his shoulders. It's all I can do to grasp onto his hair and hold on as he picks up speed, and I can feel the rush starting. It comes up through my belly and down into my legs rendering me senseless as I scream.

He doesn't let up, continues sucking on my clit as my orgasm wrecks me, my legs tremble and I shiver. It isn't until my clit grows sensitive, that my body is wrung out and needing a break that I gently push his head away and pull that big body up to mine, letting his tall frame cover me that I feel a wave of emotion wash over me.

I've heard that an intense orgasm can bring you to tears, but I’ve always chalked that up to urban legends, right along with unicorns and pots of gold waiting at the end of each rainbow. But with the tears pressing behind my eyes, you might as well slap my ass and call me Saint Patrick, because goddammit, I think I might cry.

And in that way he always knows what I need, Emmett slows things down, nuzzling into my neck and holding me tight, slowly allowing me to come down from that high.

“You okay?”

“Totally,” I croak out. “Happens all the time.”

His face tilts up to mine, a beautiful smile breaking out at my obvious lie. He takes his time soothing me, planting lazy kisses over my neck, my chest, brushing his lips across mine until I go from vulnerable, to cool, to turned on all in a matter of minutes. And when I reach a hand in between us to grip the monster between his legs, the sensitive man disappears.

He growls, reaching under me to scoop me up, carrying me up the stairs while he kisses me, bumping into walls as we go because we're too busy focusing on each other. I try to tell myself to slow down, that we don't need to cram ten years of want into one night, but that’s exactly what it feels like. I'm frantic, needing to get to his room. I don't need a bed, or a room; honestly, at this point, he could fuck me right up against this wall and I'd be the happiest woman alive, and I tell him as much.

He sets me down roughly on his dresser as soon as we cross the threshold and I'm grappling for him, grabbing his cock and spreading my legs, aching for him to be in the one spot he hasn't yet.

“Wait, Jenna, wait.” He stills my hand. “Do we need a condom? Fuck, I don't know if I have any.”

I shake my head as I guide him back to my center.

“We don't need one, I'm on birth control. And I'm clean.” I've never gone without one, but we've already shared a lot of truths today, so I decide to keep that a secret for a little while longer.

“I want to feel all of you.”

He pulls me close, a hand reaching up to toy with my bottom lip before tenderly kissing me.

“Me too.”

I grasp him again, swiping his head against my lips, thriving off the moans and groans he's making, about to push him in when he grabs my hips again to stop me.

“Argh,” I grumble, surely sounding like a petulant child, but I’m practically salivating with the need to have sex with him, and the last ten years of sexual tension have peaked. “Okay, okay, you’re right, we can go buy some condoms, that's okay. Let's go.” I move to hop off the dresser, but his body doesn’t budge.

He takes a step back, leaning his hands forward at each of my sides. His head falls and he stays like that for a moment, and another, before I start to worry.

“Emmett?” I grasp his face with my palms, pulling his head up to look at me and as soon as the whites of his eyes are visible, I can see the storm brewing in his mind.

“I can't be your friend anymore,” he starts, completely throwing me off. “It's not enough. And I won't be your fuck buddy. If we do this, I want to do it right.” His eyes dart back and forth between mine, waiting for my reaction. “I want you, and I wantallof you. I'm all in, Jenna. You have me, I need to know you feel the same.”

His words force my heart into overdrive, the organ thumping in my chest threatening to break my ribs until it slows down, finding a smooth and steady pace as what he said starts to sink in. All I’ve ever wanted was for both of us to be all in, and after what we've been through, I never thought we'd be in a place where I had that chance again. Coiling my arms around his neck, I pull him into me, into the space between my legs and tell him the biggest truth of my life.

“I'm yours, Emmett. I've been yours all along, haven't I?”

He leans his forehead against mine. “But this time, I want it all.”

“I promise you can have every bit of me that you can handle.”

“And if I want it all, your highs, your worst lows, every day, no matter what happens? Can you give that to me?”

The fact that someone would want those pieces of me, the icky tainted ones most people spend their days hiding from, only shining up and showing the best parts, those pieces he wants.

“I'm yours,” I tell him as I line us up again, working my hips forward to inch him into me.

This time he lets me, slowly sinking in until he's fully seated, stretching me inch by glorious inch. I let out a groan, dropping my head to his shoulder, needing a moment to come to terms with the fact that he's inside me. That he’s here and he’s real and he’smine.

He pulls out slowly before pushing back in, and I can feel the head of his cock twitch somewhere deep inside. He continues at that pace, slow and steady, sliding in and out with ease given how wet I am.

“Say it again,” he commands, his grip on my hips firm as he starts to pick up the pace.