Page 74 of Harbinger

Ronan turns, finding my eyes. I can see even from up here that his face lights up, and Jerry notices.

Her lips press together as she turns around, watching Elena once more.

I’m sure this is weird for her. No matter what she says about it being totally fine, it’s odd to have your twin sister here. Especially since things have been so different for us.

Deciding it’s time to make an appearance, I make my way down the metal stairs and into the kitchen, pulling my cardigan tighter around me.

“There she is!” Elena calls. “How did last night go? You looked absolutely stunning. I’m sure every man there was jealous of this idiot,” she motions to Ronan.

I crack a smile, my eyes flickering to his as he continues watching me.

“It was good, I think,” I tell her, sitting next to Ronan at the counter. Jerry doesn’t turn, and when Elena turns back to face me, she flashes her a confused look.

Jerry sighs, finally turning to me. “Worked a little too well. Got word that Jeffrey wants you to call him.”

I nod, curious. “Why is that a bad thing?”

“He’s desperate right now, which means that this is a little more dangerous than I thought it was going to be.” She studies my face to see what my reaction to that is, and when I don’t give one, she continues on. “It’s going to be fine. I just want to make sure that we do this the right way, and we didn’t have much time to discuss everything going on.”

Elena places a plate of breakfast in front of me, and Zach asks if I want orange juice as he hands a glass to Brandon. I nod, thankful.

“I don’t have my phone,” I tell her as I take a bite of toast.

Reaching into her pocket, she throws an object at me. It’s cold and heavy in my hands. Pressing the power button, I watch it come to life. When it finally reaches the main lock screen, I scowl at her. “How long have you just been carrying my phone around with you?”

“Only a couple of hours,” she tells me as she inspects her fingernails.

I roll my eyes.

“Okay, so what’s the plan?” The four of them look at me, but it’s Ronan’s eyes I feel the most.

“We’re going to have you call Jeffrey, obviously,” Jerry says, pointing to the phone in my hands.

“I don’t have his number.”

She takes a piece of paper from her other pocket, unfolding it and slides it in front of me. A ten-digit number is scrawled across in black ink.

“Thanks,” I mumble as I unlock my phone.

Their eyes continue to be on me as I type the digits into my phone, and it occurs to me that Ronan hasn’t spoken a single word to me since I came down here. I look at him, finding his brown eyes on mine, watching me intently.

I tip my head down the smallest amount, and when he does the same, butterflies erupt in my stomach at the silent confirmation that we’re in this together.

Taking a deep breath, I press the call button, putting the phone on speaker.

It only takes a couple of rings.

“Sydney,” he says curtly, and it makes me want to scrub my skin raw. I only wonder where he got my number for a moment before I realize that it’s a stupid question. It’s just off-putting that he had it readily in his phone.

“Jeffrey, nice to hear your voice,” I say as the others hold their breath.

He grunts, and I can hear the riffling of papers on the other end.

“Well, let’s get to it. I’d like to meet with the board.” There’s a pause on the other end as he processes my words. He had to know that was why I was calling,

“I don’t think that would be wise,” is what he settles with, his voice low.

“It’s my parents’ company, Jeffrey; I’d like to at least meet with them.”