Page 47 of Harbinger

Ronan and I take a seat on the other side as Paul stands at the end, watching all of us grimly.

“Now, I want it to be known that I’m trying to do this the right way, okay guys?” she jokes, casting a sideways glance at Paul. “I could have gotten away with not having Paul here, but instead, I took him away from a very important dinner, right, Paul?”

He rolls his eyes, gesturing for her to get on with it.

She places the paper between Ronan and me and points to the lines we have to sign. “Sign that, and you’re golden.”

Ronan holds his hand out for a pen, and Paul quickly plucks one out of his jacket pocket, handing it to him. I watch as he signs it before pushing it over without even looking in my direction.

Grabbing the pen from his hand, I quickly sign my current name on the requested line.Sydney Quinn.

“Wait, so is this really legally binding? Is my last name going to be different?” My eyes widen as I realize what all of this really means. I look at his signature, trying to figure out what my name will be. I feel like I’m waking up in Vegas.

“Miller. You’re Sydney Miller now,” the man next to me says. I look him dead in the eye, silently challenging him.

“That’s the most basic name I’ve ever heard.”

“But it’s yours.”

Paul claps his hands together from his position next to Jerry, yanking the piece of paper away from us before we can rip it to shreds. My eyes don’t leave Ronan’s deep brown ones, determined not to be the first to look away. “Well, congratulations are in order for the lovely couple. I truly hope you guys have the best marriage.”

Jerry clears her throat in front of us, but I still watch him, a smirk growing on my lips. “Yeah, we’re done here, Paul. You can go now,” Jerry tells him.

He doesn’t need to be told twice.

Ronan’s gaze burns inside of me, and if I didn’t know he hates this as much as I do, I could mistake the look in his eye for desire.

“If you two would stop eye fucking each other, we have some more business to discuss,” Jerry eventually snaps, ending our stare-down. “Thank you. In just two days, you guys are going to be going to a dinner. It’ll be your first outing as a married couple, and you have to act the part. Spend however long you have to together to figure it out.”

“What exactly do we need to do?” I ask.

“You need to pass as happily married and in love. I’m going to give you guys your cover tomorrow. You’ll have to memorize it.”


“How you met, how long you’ve been together, who Ronan’s family is, the like,” she replies.

I nod, thinking it over.

“There will be important people in attendance, including one Jeffrey Wright. This is the start of the whole entire operation, and it’s imperative that we ace this. Do you understand me?”

I nod, understanding alright.

If we can do this, I think that bringing the enterprise down will be easier than I initially thought. The second it’s over, we can both go back to our lives.

“One last question,” I say as Ronan makes a move to get up. “Can I have my own room?”

Jerry’s eyebrows shoot up, her head coming forward slightly as she throws up her hands. “What part of act like a fucking married couple do you not understand? I don’t give a single shit what you guys have to do to get through your time together, but being separated for everything but missions isn’t gonna help.”

So that’s a no.

Nodding, I get up, following Ronan up the stairs and to his bedroom.

He sits on the end of his bed and yawns, disturbing Shiloh.

“I have one side of my closet clear. You can hang your things up in there. I’ll clear out a drawer or two for you tomorrow,” he tells me, laying back.

I look around for the bag containing Shiloh’s things.