Page 36 of Harbinger

Her head turns to me, her eyes distant. “I was trying to just go home. Just to feed my cat.”

“Sydney, how many times do we have to tell you that there is no normalcy for you anymore? You can’t just drive through our fucking gate in a three-million-dollarcar to go home tofeed your fucking cat,” I tell her, shaking my head. “Has anything we’ve told you over the last couple of days made it through your head?”

“Nope,” she replies honestly, and I can’t fault her for it.

“Your parents were horrible people, Sydney. It’s time that you face that and do something about it. Running away isn’t going to help you.”

I don’t think she thought a single thing through.

“I knew you guys were going to come for me,” she says, slowly coming out of her daze. “I just needed to get home for a couple minutes.”

“You could have asked us.”

She pauses, thinking that one over.

“You would have brought me to my place?” she asks.

I shrug, annoyed. “I’m sure we could have set something up.”

She slumps into her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.

“We’re going back to the compound right now, but I’ll see what I can do, alright?” I ask.

She nods, looking out the window as the city lights fly by.

“How long have you been working on this case?” she asks eventually.

I consider the question for a moment. It’s been a really long time. “I’m not sure,” I say honestly. “They’ve been on our radar for a really long time, but it was only a couple of months ago that we got a break in the case, and we were able to find out some intel on how it operates. Jerry has known that her parents were controlling it, but she didn’t quite know how or where.”

“Have you guys been watching me for a long time too?”

I shake my head. “No, we knew that you weren’t really involved. It was only when they died that we realized that you’re our last hope. Honestly, them dying is the best thing that could have happened for the case. We had an in, no matter how we went about it. You’re their daughter, and by blood, you’re to take over the company. Well, as long as you have a husband.”

Sydney scoffs, rolling her eyes dramatically. “I should have known there would be some kind of fucked up requirement.”

“When was the last time you talked to your parents?”

She thinks for a moment. “I’m not sure. I think it was a couple of years ago. They kept trying to come back into my life, but I kept shutting them out. That didn’t stop them from trying. I’ve lost so many jobs because of them. I had no choice but to take their money. With that came a couple of conversations.”

I nod. She said as much back at the compound.

“Listen. I don’t like this any more than you do. But this is big, okay?” She looks at me as her hand goes to her lower stomach, pressing against it. “Are you okay?”

She nods, looking back out the window without answering my first question.

About five minutes later, she breaks again. “Why were the cops after me?”

I chuckle sardonically, running my fingers through my hair, pulling at the ends. “That car was a three-million-dollar car. We stole it.”

She gasps. “Why would you steal it?”

“Well,” I start, smiling. “Almost all of those cars in that warehouse are stolen, actually. But that one was significantly harder. There was a car show up here, and it was brought over from the UK for it. We found out and decided that we wanted it for our collection. I think there’s only seven of them in the whole world.” I shrug.

She pauses, looking me over. “Doesn’t the CIA have an issue with you stealing cars?”

“You have to understand that Project Fallen Angel is an extremely illegal black operation, Sydney. No one knows about us. We don’t exist to most of the CIA. We’re notemployeesof the CIA. We’re literally used as necessary collateral. They don’t want to risk their agents’ lives, so they risk ours.”

Her eyes widen as she lays her hand in her lap. “Wait, why would you sign up for that?”