Page 33 of Harbinger


This shower isthe one and only peaceful thing about my day.

I’m angry, stressed, and annoyed, but as the water sluices over my skin, I forget about everything for just a moment. Just one peaceful moment.

But that moment of peace is effectively eviscerated the second I exit the bathroom, finding my room completely empty. No menace in sight.

Grinding my teeth, I throw open the door, finding the others rushing down the stairs yelling.

“What’s going on?” I ask as the nippy air hits me. The garage door is open.

“She took the Lykan,” Zach yells as he runs for a car.

“What do you mean she took the Lykan? The keys are hidden.”

Zach spreads his arms, exasperated. “Do you want to take a look for yourself?”

I don’t have time to go back and find out how. Instead, I take two stairs at a time, nearly tripping as I head for my Camaro.

She could have chosen any of the cars in this room. Every single one of them has the keysinthem. Yet somehow, she chose that car. The one car that the police have been looking for. She took the one goddamn car that’ll get her arrested instantly if she passes by a goddamn cop.

Gritting my teeth, I watch as the others stop and watch me. “I fucked up. I’ll get her,” I tell them.

“And the car?”

I shake my head, making no promises.

Turning the key, the engine purrs to life, and I grip the wheel in my hands, flexing my shoulders.

It’s going to be a long night.

Five years ago

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Brandon says with an eye roll as we look over the sea of people in front of us.

“It’s the biggest mission of our lives,” Zach breathes out, a glimmer in his eye that I can only describe as insanity.

If the Agency found out what we’re about to do, they’d be pissed.

And why we’re doing it, I don’t even know. Jerry doesn’t even know.

But I’m excited for it. For one of the first times in years, I feel a glimmer of pure excitement.

A lust for life.

“Brandon, you go talk to the guards. You know your lines. Zach, go do, well, whatever the hell you’re good at. Distract everyone. I’ll go get the keys and find my way in, okay?”

They both salute me before walking in opposite directions as I watch below.

The car is beautiful. A deep red with black trim, this is one of the most beautiful cars in the world.

And one of the most expensive.

“What are you about to do?” a voice asks from behind me as a firm hand is placed on my shoulder. Cigarette smoke wafts over me, and I roll my eyes.

“Why are you here, Jerry?”

“You think I don’t know what’s going on in my own compound?”