Page 2 of Harbinger

Looking back to the corner, I find it empty. No man in sight.

You’ve been tired. He probably wasn’t even there. Just keep going,the voice inside of my head says.

As I turn the corner into the hallway, I ricochet off a broad, sturdy chest. For a split second, I wonder if it was the man from before. But this one is different.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” a deep voice apologizes as large, powerful hands steady me. I flinch as he makes contact, much like when any stranger touches me.

I give a meek smile as I brush myself off. “It’s fine,” I start as I finally meet his eyes… and stop.

This man is the definition of tall, dark, and handsome.

He smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his beautiful brown eyes. His maroon suit fits him perfectly in every place it matters, his dark skin glowing in the warm hallway light.

There’s a moment of silence before he extends his hand, reaching for mine to shake. “Jeremy,” he introduces himself as his hand envelopes mine.

I shakily return the smile, a little suspicious. “Sydney,” I tell him, not breaking eye contact for even a second. I don’t know who this man is or why he’s here, but I know the kind of people my parents had in their circle. No one here is innocent, not even me.

Dropping my hand, Jeremy places his in the pockets of his maroon slacks, looking around the room. “Nice night, eh?”

My eyebrows shoot up. “If you mean a nice night for my parents’ funeral, then yeah, I guess.”

His full lips twist in a smirk as he meets my eyes once more.


“Now, if you excuse me, I was just on my way to the bathroom.” I attempt to push around him, but he steps into my path again, blocking me.

I feel a pit of rage rise up my chest, and I shoot him a scowl, about to tell him off.

“Get a drink with me later.” It isn’t a question; it’s a demand. His hand grabs my arm, and I eye it before my gaze makes its way to his face.

“I don’t think so.”

“I want to apologize for my comment about tonight. Please. We can just go next door.”

I think about it for a second. I have backup here. Adam has been my trusty sidekick for what feels like ages. One text to him, I’m out. Besides, who would turn down a free drink?

Certainly not me. Certainly not tonight.

I smile, tossing my hair behind my back before looking up at him with my most angelic smile. “Sure, handsome. That sounds great.”

If there’s one thing I learned from my parents, it’s how to get what I want while fucking someone over.

* * *

“I don’t know, I just think that whales are really cool,” I say, taking another sip of my bourbon.

“They’re interesting,” Jeremy smiles, looking at me over the rim of his glass.

I wonder if he’s falling for it yet.

It starts with asking for the manliest drink you can think of. You take a sip, wincing even if it goes down smooth, and shoot him the most deer-in-the-headlights look possible. Most men can’t resist the doe eyes, especially paired with feigned ignorance.

Let him tell you about the much better, top-shelf bourbon he has at home, and tell him that he should absolutely let you try it as you toss your hair back, shooting him the most dazzling smile you can possibly muster. Make sure to crinkle your nose, complimenting how intelligent they sound. Tell them their job soundsso interestingand you’d love to hear more about it.

Tell them you love Taylor Swift, and they’ll think you’re a lovesick puppy just looking for someone to give them attention. None of them know that you need a god damn dictionary to decipher half of her songs. They’d rather think of themselves as more intelligent than her.

Smarter than you.