Page 20 of Harbinger

Something about her makes me want to go soft on her, and it feels unnatural. I’ve never gone soft on anyone, especially not when they’re standing between me and a mission I need to complete.

Yet she is. And all I want to do is tell her that things are going to be okay and give her all of the information Jerry wants to keep from her.

What we’re doing suddenly feels unfair, despite the fact that we’ve brought men here to die before, promising them a life after they spill their souls to us, only to leave them to starve in the basement, burying them out back in the woods, never to be found.

We were trained to be soulless. To do what is required of us without question. To feel nothing as we spill blood.It’s for the greater good,they say to us. For the most part, they’re right.

Some of what we do really is for the greater good. But at what cost?

What settles my soul in those cases is that the men deserve it. Every single one of them. Sometimes, the world is just simply better without horrible people.

But Sydney isn’t horrible.

In fact, she’s not half bad at all.

I’ve been trying far too hard to dislike her, it occurred to me tonight as I waited in the kitchen until I heard the soft pop of a door. She’s not half bad. Honestly, she’s easier to deal with than Jerry. Sure, she’s infuriating sometimes, but I’ve dealt with much worse.

I like her spunk. Her attitude. The way she settled down tonight, her feisty side coming out. I like someone challenging me. Telling me no.

I’m not sure when the switch happened, but I think it was when she spit on me. Through the rage, I couldn’t help but think of how strong she is to fight back. I admire the balls she had to do it.

Stepping out of the shower, I grab my towel and dry off before pulling on my clothes. Leaning against the counter, I look at myself in the mirror.

We just have to get through the next couple of days, and it’ll be back to normal.

The mission is simple. The second we have the information we need, we’ll go on our separate ways, never to speak again. She’ll go on trying to forget, and suddenly, we’ll be a distant memory one day.

I grab a small blanket and head back to the loveseat, stretching my legs out in front of me as I sink into the back cushion, closing my eyes.

* * *

A loud knock on the door wakes me from my sleep.

Shooting up, I look around the room, noticing Sydney still peacefully asleep in bed.

I head to the door, opening it just a crack to find Jerry, looking as rested as ever.

“I want you guys downstairs in ten,” she demands, looking past me into the room.

I yawn, wiping my hand across my face. “How do you even know she’s in here?”

Her head tilts, irritation clouding her eyes. “I’m not an idiot. I know you wouldn’t have left her down there. Plus, you look like shit. Clearly you didn’t sleep well.”

She’s got me there.

“I’ll be down soon,” I say, rolling my eyes.

Pushing off the wall, she gives me one last look before heading back down the stairs. I can hear the others in the kitchen making breakfast.

Groaning, I turn back toward the bed as I wonder how the hell I’m going to get Sydney up.

It starts by nudging her. When that doesn’t work, I try yanking the comforter from her.

“Go away, Adam,” she moans, rolling over on the other side of the blanket and weighing it down.

I know who Adam is. Why he’d be waking her up, I’m not sure.

Rolling my eyes, I head to the bathroom, filling a cup sitting next to the sink. Returning to the bedroom, I don’t wait a single second before throwing the contents onto her head.