Page 112 of Harbinger

“Okay, that’s enough,” Ronan says, setting down a plate of salad. Jerry looks at it, her nose turning up as she passes it to Zach next to her.

“I understand it bu—” My words are interrupted by Ronan’s phone ringing next to me. There’s no caller ID.

He picks it up without a second thought, pressing it to his ear. “Yes, sir, this is Ronan Miller.”

Getting up, Ronan walks to the couch to finish the call. While the others bicker back and forth, I try with all my might to listen to what they’re talking about behind me.

“Yes, and I can sign that here? Is there anything else I have to do after that?”

There’s a pause.

“Fantastic, thank you so much, sir.”

Hanging up the phone, Ronan joins us once more.

“Well, that was the call.” Taking my hand, he kisses the top of it. “You’re officially the owner of a criminal enterprise.

Go me.

* * *

“You’ve been quiet for the last couple of days,” Ronan teases me as he brushes my hair, placing it over my shoulder. I sigh as his lips meet the tender skin beneath my ear, kissing down my jawline.

“A lot has changed in a short amount of time.”

He nods, pushing me back on the bed.

“Are we allowed to talk about the future now?” he asks, hovering over me.

“We still have work to do,” I murmur, running my fingers through his hair.

Shiloh jumps onto the bed, and I reach out to pet him. He’s almost never here when Ronan is. But when I do, I feel something hard around his neck. Confused, I look up.

“When did you get him a collar? And more importantly, how did you get it on him?”

Ronan shrugs. “He just let me.”

I look at him. He smirks at me, confident and playful as he looks at Shiloh again.

I do the same.

“What is that?” I ask, propping myself up to get a closer look. I grab him, pulling him into my lap.

It’s a ring.

A sparkly, large emerald cut ring.

Ronan clears his throat.

“I didn’t pick that ring out, and even when this was fake, I thought I should have. It was only right.”

I rip the old one off, handing the new one to him as I hold my hand out.

Grinning like an idiot, he slides the ring onto my finger before placing it in his mouth.

My nose crinkles as I smile. “You see, I don’t think that women find that as hot as men do.”

“It was worth a try.”