Page 90 of Harbinger

She shrugs. “It’s just really pretty for a ranch, is all.”



Sydney passesout on the plane, which is to be expected. I would have, too if I had had that much to drink the night before. But I don’t fault her for it. I’m glad she was having fun.

The fact that she and her sister are getting along now warms my heart, but mostly, it gives me hope that she may want to stick around after this is all over.

I’ve found that I like my wife a lot more than I thought I would.

When we finally arrive in Texas, we’re picked up by a van.

“Why is it so hot here?” Sydney asks as she fans herself.

“I mean, we’re in Texas.”

She grunts. “I think I’d rather be anywhere else,”

I agree with her. At least when we climb into the van, the AC hits us.

The drive isn’t long, but it is scenic. If it wasn’t so hot I think I’d like it here.

We drive past field after field, and although there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of grass here, there’s a whole lot of trees. It’s a lot more green than I expected it to be.

I don’t come here much. I visited with Jerry when we had some business around here, but it was only for a night, and we didn’t actually go anywhere.

I look over at Sydney next to me as she places her forehead against the window. “Are you doing better?” I ask. I gave her a pill for her motion sickness when we took off, and she’s been a little sleepy ever since.

“Doing fantastic,” she mutters. “I’m mostly not hungover anymore. So at least there’s that.”

At least there’s that.

“We’ll get situated at the house, and then we can explore the ranch if you’d like.”

“It’s a whole ranch?” she asks, perking up.

I nod, watching as she puts her hair up. It really is hot here.

About ten minutes later, we pull into the long road that leads to the Texas Fallen Angel compound. A field sits on either side of the dirt road, and I look out, watching the birds fly through the sky as the sun sits high in the noon sky. Dust kicks up all around us.

But when the van comes to a halt outside of the ginormous fortress, I feel a deep sense of longing.

I love the DC compound. I really do. But sometimes, it doesn’t feel like a home more than a place to hang out. A lair of sorts.

This is a home.

A beautiful white home set against the blue sky, the Texas compound is something to be admired, that’s for sure. Several fields sit behind it, and I can see cows and a couple horses in the distance. A large garden sits to the left, overflowing with some of the largest vegetables I’ve ever seen. So large I can see them from here.

“This place is gorgeous,” Sydney tells me as she looks around, her mouth hung open in wonder as she takes the place in.

I nod. It is gorgeous.

Getting out, Sydney looks around, her red hair whipping around in the wind as she shields her eyes, looking into the distance. “I think I see cows,” she says excitedly.

I smile watching her be excited about something. I feel like I haven’t seen that in a long time.

“They have them over there. Lots of them.” She looks at me, her eyes shiny.