Page 6 of Sparrow

I rub my fingers on the soft bedding as I make my way into the ensuite. I reach behind me to pull the zipper of my dress down and let it float to the floor. I find his closet in the bathroom and hang it up with his clothes.

The large walk-in closet has uniforms on the left and dress clothes on the right.

“You must really love suits.” I muse as I flip through the hangers, looking at labels.

If the labels were any indication, Malachi was taking bribes, or he came from money. I come to a built-in dresser and open the top drawer, expecting to see the typical socks most men have there.

Nope, guns.

I shake my head and close it, turning and yelping when the man in question is leaning up against the door jam, watching me. I glance down to Foxy sitting by his side, wagging her tail happily.

“Traitor, you were supposed to bark when he got home.” She lets out a small one now, and I smile.

“Foxy would never alert anyone to my presence. Find what you were looking for?” I roll my eyes at him.

“No, actually. I was hunting for your sock drawer and any secrets you have hidden there. Sadly, all I found were guns.” I shrug, unclasping the front of my bra, and drop it on the floor of his closet.

“I’m fairly certain I said naked in my bed Azizam.” I grin, grabbing the sides of my thong, and shimmy them down my legs.

His eyes go from my body to the mirror directly behind me to watch the show.

“Oops, is this close enough?” I take the panties, open the dresser, and place them inside the second drawer, which happens to have his socks and underwear.

“Ah ha, found them.” I giggle as I close it softly.

“Are you always this naughty?” I nod as I step in front of him.

“Always,” I push the suit jacket off his shoulders and start undoing the buttons on his shirt.

“I’m starting to see that.” I frown and stop to look up at him.

I raise an eyebrow.

“Care to explain what that comment means?” I drop my hands and step away, suddenly feeling cold as all the heat I had leaves my body.

I’ve never felt so naked in front of anyone in my life.

He watches me closely and tilts his head to the side in thought. Whatever he’s thinking, I’m done waiting for a response.

“Fuck this,” I scoop up my underwear and bra.

I grab my dress and step into it. I’m zipping it when Malachi finally reaches for me. I think he means to stop my movements, but instead, he pulls the zipper up for me.

My eyes burn, wanting to fill with tears, but I refuse the sensation.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers, kissing my bare shoulder.

I shrug away his affection and walk out of his room.

“You are sorry. A sorry excuse of a man. If you didn’t want me here, why give me the keys? Is this a fucking game to you? Guess what, I’m done playing. Have a nice life, Malachi.” I pick my purse and phone up off the counter, and I’m pulling up the taxi service before he utters a word to me.

“You shouldn’t have lied to me.” What?

“Lied? About what!” I hiss, turning to face him.

“Your family.” I recoil like he slapped me.

“Fuck you. I’ve never lied about anything. In fact, I was honest from the start. I told you they would never accept you, but you pursued me anyway. Now, you want to stand here and act high and mighty?” Foxy whimpers at the sounds of us arguing.