Page 29 of Sparrow

“This way, please. Slowly, and don’t be foolish.” I swallow hard and move in the direction that he point in.

We walk into the trees and lose the natural light of the moon. I can barely see a few feet ahead of me, but soon, it opens up to a clearing where a black SUV is parked. As I approach the same man who was driving around, Soraya comes around the side and opens a door for me.

“Why are you doing this?” Armin Turan looks down at me in disgust.

I don’t have to ask him who he is, but this I need to know.

“Americans no longer value tradition or honor. I do. I will not tarnish my family name or leave my daughter without a husband.” He shoves me into the SUV and closes the door, which locks immediately.

The men get in the front, and then we’re moving away from the house. I curse at leaving my phone in Malachi’s car but pull my coat sleeve down to hide my watch. As long as it has power, Glitch can track it.

I click the button on the side to silence it just in case Malachi tries to call me. Hopefully, he’s noticed I’m missing and is already searching for me. But my hopes of this being over quickly vanish when, a few minutes after leaving, we’re in another field that has a helicopter waiting.

“If you would, Miss Hoss.” Armin, ever the gentleman, offers me his hand.

I refuse it, walking past him and moving to the helicopter, ducking out of instinct to avoid the moving blades. I’m short enough not to have to, but something about decapitation makes it seem like a necessary step. I look around before climbing on board.

Once on board, I’m given a headset to wear, and as soon as we are off the ground, Armin’s voice comes through to me loud and clear.

“Do not fear Miss Hoss. I’m just returning you to where you belong. Along with a firm message to Malachi.” I meet his eyes.

“What is that?” A cruel smile spreads across his face.

“That he never had a choice to begin with. You were never an option.” A shiver crawls up my spine.

“Those aren’t very comforting words.” I try to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall.

“You will remain safe while in my presence.” I hear a crackle in my ears, followed by the white noise from the helicopter.

I turn away from the men around me and curl myself into the smallest ball I can. I let myself cry while they can’t see me. My watch buzzes, and I chance a look quickly.

Six percent battery life is left.

The sobs come harder now. I’ve known men like this all my life growing up in the club. I can’t trust a single word Armin has said to me. When we get to where we are going, I’m as good as dead. He won’t hesitate to protect his daughter.

Of that, I’m one hundred percent certain it was true. The part about me being safe with him? Total bullshit.

It’s up to me to find a way free of this or at least stay safe until the club finds me. I just hope Malachi has the good sense to contact them for help.

I pray his pride doesn’t get me hurt. Or worse.




“Get down here,boy! We got a problem.” The tone of Jared’s voice sets alarms off in my head.

I drop the pillowcase in my hand and run down the stairs.

Foxy is whimpering by the door in agitation, and Jared is loading a shotgun.

“Where’s Aspen?” I look around, and panic starts to fill me.

“That’s what we’re going to figure out.” He opens the door and barks an order at Foxy.

“Search,” she runs off and heads right into the trees.