Page 24 of Sparrow

“Malachi Nassar, pleasure. Not dickless, by the way. Ask Aspen.” She laughs as I start to pull away.

“Don’t worry, I will!” She calls out to me as I drive away.

I may not have loved my problem, but I felt a whole hell of a lot lighter than I did after talking to Wolf. Clarity can be funny sometimes.

When I get back to the house, a familiar bark greets me, and I rush to get inside. Foxy tackles me and starts licking my face.

“Down girl! I missed you too.” I push her away gently and sit up.

“I see Foxy beat me to it.” I glance behind me, and my jaw drops.

“That is neither asleep nor naked, but I approve.” She’s wearing one of my white button-down shirts.

Thanks to the sunlight coming in the window and my angle, I have the perfect view to confirm there’s nothing under it.

“I felt the need to cover up. This place seems to attract riffraff.” She shrugs, but I feel the blow in my chest.

Suddenly, what I need to do becomes crystal clear.

“Can your partner cover the clinic for a few days?” She crosses her arms and looks down at me.

“How many are we talking about?” I stand and pull out my phone.

I log into my work calendar to confirm my days off.

“Twelve, plus weekends. Two weeks?” She leans on the wall and nods.

“She shouldn’t have an issue. Why?” I press call on my phone and bring it up to my ear.

“Captain, it’s Nassar. I’ve got a family emergency that is going to require me to go out of town.” He coughs in my ear.

“Family?” His confusion is understandable.

“Have you seen the newspaper today, sir?” I can hear him rustling papers and a few taps on a keyboard.

“Oh, I see. I assume congratulations are not in order?” I really need to read the stupid article myself.

“No, sir. I have a few days off accumulated,” he cuts me off before I can finish.

“Nassar, take them. Handle your shit, and let me know when you’re back. Frankly, it’ll give Andrews time to cool off and Internal Affairs an opportunity to speak with him.” Oh shit.

“Thank you, Captain.” I hang up and look at Aspen.

“Well? Call your partner, and let’s pack.” I walk into my bedroom, leaving her stunned against the wall.

“Pack? Where the hell are we going?” I pull out my suitcase and toss it on the bed.

“I’ve met your family. It’s time you meet mine. Well, it’s the closest I have, anyway. I need answers, and he’ll have them. It’s a hunting cabin in Colorado. Pack warm clothes.” She looks skeptical for a moment, and I slow my movements.

“Azizam, we need to disconnect and just breathe for a few days. It’ll let shit here settle, and we’ll have free time to plan what to do without everyone else’s expectations weighing us down.”

“Okay,” I kiss her and go back to packing.

“But I’m picking the music!”