Page 20 of Sparrow

Malachi turns a lamp on, and I squeal at the shadow of a body on the couch. He pulls out his gun and points it at the person who does not belong in the house.

This is wrong. Why isn’t the dog barking?

“Foxy!” I call out, but no sound returns my call.

“Is that the animal’s name?” I’m shocked when it’s a feminine voice coming from the shadows.

“Stand slowly and put your hands up. Where is my partner?” I go to the wall and turn on the main light.

As soon as I can see the room, I rush over to Foxy.

“It would not stop barking.” The woman speaks so calmly, like she has all the right in the world to be here.

“Who the fuck are you, and what did you do to this dog?” I open the kennel and take Foxy’s pulse.

Jesus, she’s barely breathing.

“A few sleeping pills. Soraya Turan,” I glare at her.

“What kind and dose? You could have fucking killed her!” I curse at her.

Malachi stands frozen with the muzzle of his gun now pointed at her feet.

“She broke into the house and poisoned Foxy. Malachi, she’s barely breathing.” That snaps him out of it.

“Miss Turan, you need to leave and not come back. There is not a damn thing here for you.” He’s not going to arrest her?

What the fuck.

“I need to get Foxy to the clinic.” I lift her into my arms and move out of the house to my truck.

I wave my foot under the tailgate, and it opens. I place Foxy down carefully. I rummage in my bag and pull out a medicine that will make her vomit. I need to clear the meds from her system quickly.

I hold Foxy’s head so she doesn’t choke as the medicine starts to work.

“I got you, girl.” I rub her back and hear a door close.

That’s when I noticed the limo parked on the opposite side of the street. A man in a suit is leaning against the driver’s door, and I can see the imprint of a gun under both arms. He watches me as I stare at him.

“Lovely meeting you.” The woman walks past me, and the thug with the weapons opens the limo door for her.

“Who the fuck is she?” I have a suspicion that I hope is wrong, but if the last twenty-four hours worth of luck hold, I know I’m right.

“The woman from the contract.” I shake my head.

“You’re fucking fiancé. Fantastic.” He growls and grabs my chin.

“NO, she’s just a woman that I had never met before tonight. Now she’s gone.” He kisses me quickly and then climbs into the truck, pulling Foxy into his lap.

“For the record, your fiancé is a bitch and animal abuser.” I slam the tailgate closed and get in the driver’s seat.

“Stop calling her that.” He says it with venom in his voice.

“As soon as it stops being true.” I speed down the street to my clinic.

“I’ll get the back door. Bring her in.” I say as I rush to get Foxy inside.

I ran some blood work and started an IV to flush the sleeping pills out of her system. She wakes up about an hour later, weak but alert. I stare out my office window while the world outside goes from dark blue to bright pink and orange.