Page 18 of Sparrow

“Priest, is Milly ok?” Aspen steps between us.

“Next time you wanna bring a man home, maybe call us with some details to prepare. She’s easily triggered. It’s not personal, and I’m sorry for that awful reception. I’m Darius,” He holds out his hand to me.

“Malachi, was that your wife?” I shake his hand, much to Aspen’s relief.

“Yes, and she’s going to feel terrible when she snaps out of it. But what King said was dead wrong, and I wanted you to know that.” I nod at him.

“No apology needed. Trauma defenses can vary. Aspen warned me about the circumstances, and that may be an issue. I’m just sorry for any pain I caused you tonight. It wasn’t our intention.” He slaps my shoulder.

“I’ll talk to King.” He says that to Aspen and then rushes back inside.

“I need a shower and a nap.” She takes my keys from my hand.

“That sounds great. I’ll drive. You’re dead on your feet.” I smile and get into my truck.

* * *


“Here you go, you hungry boy.” I bounce Cole in one arm while shaking his bottle.

I shove it into his open mouth, and the crying changes to a sucking sound instantly.

“Typical man,” I smile at his cute chubby cheeks.

“Let’s go check on your mommy.” I walk back into the living room area and frown.

Aspen and Malachi are gone. I catch Priest walking back in and nod at him. He heads to Milly, who isn’t crying anymore but is still in a comatose state. I tap Spark’s shoulder and shove Cole into his arms.

“Damnit, Shock, take him back.” I roll my eyes.

“He’s not fucking contagious. I’m the medic, I have a patient.” I point at Milly, and he groans.

“Oh, give him here.” Mercy takes pity on her man, taking the baby from him.

“Daddy, can I have a brother?” Lucy says, and I laugh when Spark starts coughing on his own spit.

“Hey, how are we doing over here?” I take her pulse as I try to get her to focus on me.

“Anyone home?” I smile as her eyes blink.

“Mmm,” Milly mumbles, something that sounds like water.

“How about we get you over to that couch and then will get you a drink?” I take her arm and gently pull her to her feet.

I move us slowly and then help her sit. Her pulse is steady, and the color is coming back to her face.

“Cielo?” Priest sits next to her and rubs her shoulders.

“Cole,” She snaps, looking around for her son.

“Hey, he’s safe. Mercy is feeding him. Do you need to hold him?” She nods, and he’s lowered into her arms moments later.

“What happened.” I frown and look at her husband.

“Tell me what you remember.” She looks around the room, searching for what set her off.

“The police officer with the beard and amber eyes. Oh my god! That was Aspen’s boyfriend? No,” she starts crying, and Priest kisses her shoulder.